
This is the first bit of DLC that has really made me think about jumping back into Inquisition for a bit, but at this point I'm on the fence between just purchasing this one or waiting for some sort of GOTY edition so I can try all three of the new additions.

Assuming it arrives in the mail today, I will be playing SUPER MARIO MAKER. Will I be a great level-builder or a horrifically incompetent one? Dunno, but I can't wait to start tinkering around with it, building things and playing the levels others have built. I've never been great with level-building tools in general

I've actually been playing this quite a bit this week. The biggest glitch is that there are lots of adorable ragtime tunes on the soundtrack despite the fact that this game is clearly not set in a saloon. Funny the things game developers overlook sometimes.

I definitely feel that having a rival tends to make my online gameplay sharper/more focused. I was playing SPLATOON the other day and there was some other player - I forget his user name - who managed to snipe me like 3 times within the space of 90 seconds. He was incredibly fast with that thing - usually you have a

There's a lot of incredible stuff coming out over the next 2-3 months, but I wish one or two of these things had been released over the summer. As it is, an atypically dry gaming season is being followed by an overwhelming flood of new/expanded titles.

I actually have the Legacy collection, too. I've found it rewarding overall, though it takes patience. The outdated controls of the first MGS sort of killed my desire to play the second for a long while, and the controls actually aren't a whole lot better in the second one. However, I've found that the story/mythology

No, I didn't - can you use the right stick while you're viewing the game on the TV, or is that limited to when you're playing on the gamepad?

Mad Max does look pretty fun to me, but the middling reviews have successfully prevented me from wanting to spend $60 on it. Definitely want to check it out at some point, though - maybe once it drops to $20 or $30. I still haven't gotten around to FAR CRY 4 yet, and I feel like that might scratch my "doing all sorts

I'm playing through the series for the first time, too - just finished 3. FWIW, I actually enjoyed 2 a little more than 1 - it sags in the middle and the story can be awfully confusing at times, but the final stretch of that game is uniquely insane. But yeah, 3 is definitely the best thus far by a pretty wide margin.

I really wanted to like THE WONDERFUL 101 - in many ways, it's an incredibly unique and joyful experience with a pretty great sense of humor, but I could never get comfortable with the controls and just let it go after a while.

Speaking of all things Metal Gear - I will be playing METAL GEAR SOLID: PEACE WALKER this weekend, continuing my journey through the series. Just finished MGS3, and man, that's a great game. I love 2's insane ambition (the last 2-3 hours of that game are both thoughtful and gloriously bonkers), but 3 feels like the

I've never been a big fan of multiplayer shooters (give me a solid campaign and leave me be, thanks!), but I wound up playing a pretty large amount of Destiny's multiplayer. It's pretty accessible as such things go, and I dig the fact that it provides benefits that carry over into the main game. Progress is pretty

"Did the Great Ones create the world of Yharnam? They could have. Do they love their creations? We don’t know. How would you even tell? What happens to the people who aspire to commune with gods like that? Look at the red moon suspended in the sky—the fire and smoke mingling with the dark clouds. Hear the roar of all

I may just stick to the numbered entries, then. Will read a plot summary at the very least.

A number of the bosses gave me fits in that game. The regular levels weren't actually all that bad in general, but it took me three hours (and who knows how many attempts) to beat the final boss. Otherwise, it's a blast!

The Skyrim soundtrack is wonderful… for the first 50 or 60 hours, anyway. After a while I'll admit that I grew a little weary of hearing the same pieces over and over and over again, though such is the nature of long games.

Hmmmm - so noted. Like I say, I think I'm getting close to the end of 2 - just beat Vamp. There's not much of a time crunch, though considering the size of my backlog I'm not opposed to taking shortcuts. How is Peace Walker gameplay-wise? Is it less compelling due to being a PSP title?

This weekend, I'm going to finish off my playthrough of METAL GEAR SOLID 2. I played METAL GEAR SOLID a good while back in an effort to start going through most of the series, but then got distracted by other things. However, with all I've been reading about how great MGS5 is, I have new motivation to get caught up.

I guess it's the lack of stress that I like with sniping. My aim goes wonky when I'm dealing with close-range combat - there's so much happening on the screen - but when I'm sniping, I don't have to deal with the pressure of trying to avoid getting shot.

I suppose it's a testament to Destiny's weirdly addictive nature that I have been contemplating picking up that Taken King/GOTY edition eventually and starting over again (despite the fact that I sold my original copy after getting burnt out on it - I was level 27 at the time and hadn't played any DLC). That's a whole