
I'm a mid-level FPS player at best (rarely have much trouble with normal-difficulty campaigns, but rarely one of the higher-scoring players in any given online match), but my strategy for such things has often been "find a quality sniper rifle and pick off things from a distance before moving in close with my

There have been numerous occasions where I've thought to myself, "Man, it would be great if I could take the gamepad into other rooms - or even outside."

Good to know. I'd been on the fence about jumping into this one. Think I'll pass given the number of other things I'd like to play.

While the older 2D Mario titles still hold up rather well in contrast to the newer, fancier titles, I feel like the 3D Mario games have only gotten better with time. SM64 still has its charms, but whenever I start playing it I start wanting to play one of the Galaxy games or something instead.

Yeah, the 3DS is a pretty amazing system with a great selection of titles at this point. I'm very curious about what Nintendo's NX system is going to offer. The rumor that it might combine console and portable gaming in some way sounds intriguing/promising at the very least. If any company could pull it off…

I'm fairly certain it's broken - mine actually went up and down on multiple occasions.

I have to admit, I'm getting pretty excited about Mario Maker, too. I wasn't honestly that interested at first, but the more videos I watch and the more I hear about it, the more fun and beautifully-designed it looks. Now I can't wait to get my copy and start tinkering around with it.

Yeah, that Kaer Morhen sequence is magnificent. Was pleasantly surprised - particularly in this day and age, where completion rates tend to be pretty low for long games - that they would throw out something so spectacular so deep into the game.

Yeah, that play clock is maddening. Sometimes I wonder if they're just trying to mess with you.

This week, I've mostly been playing SUPER MARIO BROS. 3. Finally beat it last night, though my win comes with an asterisk - I had forgotten how ferocious worlds 7 & 8 could be, so I took full advantage of the 3DS restore state option between levels. That game start out gentle and charming, but it's genuinely tough by

My son is only eleven months old at the moment, so it's too early for video games, but I'm already looking forward to playing through some of these with him later on. So many terrific co-op titles designed to appeal to both more and less experienced players.

If memory serves, the game-to-cutscene ratio improves once you get a little deeper into it.

Rare Replay is the first thing I've seen that has made me sorta-kinda wish I had an Xbox One. What a cool collection. I, too, would love to see more compilations along these lines (particularly from Nintendo, as so many of their older titles still hold up remarkably well).

Also, "Jack Joyce" is the most "generic white dude protagonist" name since "Cole MacGrath."

"How about a game of cards? GWENT, SPECIFICALLY."

I'm not really a speedrun enthusiast, but reading this piece does make me want to tune in and watch some of this. May check it out.

Yeah, me too. When we got a PC with Windows 95 (our first color system!), that was hands-down my favorite thing about it.

I picked up the Ultimate Edition - I don't know whether that makes a big difference. But yeah, I checked online and found that people's experiences tend to vary dramatically. I had already experienced a dozen or so instances of freezing, and it had gotten to the point where I couldn't play for more then 30-40 minutes

I don't have a 360, and my PC actually is too weak for NV. However, once I get around to getting a newer PC (whenever that is), I may give it a shot. I haven't been a PC gamer for long time, but I'm not opposed to it if there's no other option.

My main procrastination/time-wasting game is pinball. Not too fun, not too boring, not too dull - it's just good ol' pinball, a perfectly decent way to waste a little time.