
It was really just a luck of the draw thing, for me - the game is so tricky with the consequences of the decisions you make that I decided to stop trying to manipulate it and just answer as I thought Geralt would in every situation. It worked out pretty well for the most part… except for that one time when I

Without getting too spoiler-y, midway through the Gwent tournament there's a fistfight with a level 26 character. I only used the Northern Realms set, but I had four or five gold-plated cards in my 22-card deck and just barely managed to win most of the matches, so be sure your set is a strong one before you start.

It's the one that ends with two characters having a pleasant conversation in a tavern, if that isn't too vague. It's the "good" ending, I suppose, though I understand there's another semi-positive ending you can get. I was quite pleased with the one I got, though.

Like a lot of people, I'll be playing ARKHAM KNIGHT this weekend. After spending four hours or so with it, my initial impression is that it's an excellent video game and a mediocre Batman game. Everything is slick and polished and fun, but the parts featuring Batman riding around town blowing everything up in the

Demon's Souls is still my favorite of the bunch - maybe because it was my first Souls experience, but I just love the atmosphere and design of that game.

I'll do some skills research, then. So basically, it's advisable to find (and level up) multiple armor sets for the sake of boosting skills?

The only reason I'm completely fine with waiting a while on DS3 is that I usually need a decent-sized break between Souls games. Early to mid 2016 sounds just about right, especially since I'll undoubtedly be playing Bloodborne again when the DLC comes out (and I still need to get around to the PS4 version of Dark

Cool. Like I said, I'm in the early stages of the game (I've only completed two big monster hunts - the Great Jaggi and the Selta) and I'm still trying to wrap my head around some of the game's nuances, but I've done enough to know that it's very much my sort of thing.

I was really hoping for a Mass Effect HD trilogy for PS4, because I'd really love the chance to play a version of ME3 with a decent framerate. However, a recent interview suggests that they may be scrapping plans for that. But yeah, I was half-expected a RDR sequel, too.

Yeah, depending on how well the whole thing is executed, it's something that I might spend 10 hours playing and then get bored with or something that I spend 200 hours playing. I dig the ambition of the premise, but that presentation was a little clumsy and vague.

Same here. I've been trying to complete all of the quests (not really exploring much at all unless I'm taking a short detour on the way to a quest point), and I'm usually a good 5-6 levels higher than I'm supposed to be. At least the story stuff is consistently engaging even when the battles are a breeze.

The Amygdala fight didn't give me too much trouble in the actual game, but having my health cut in half + a more aggressive (I think?) version of the boss makes all the difference in the world. Most of his attacks are capable of killing me in one hit, and it's hard to avoid getting hit for the duration of that long

I wish I were playing Mass Effect 4. I'm a sucker for Bioware games in general, and ME games in particular. I can't wait to find out what they're doing with it now that Shepard's story is finished. Alas, "Holiday 2016" is a long way off. Also, The Last Guardian. And Final Fantasy VII Remake. And No Man's Sky. And…

I liked his turn as Phil Spector, too, which was much less bombastic than I was expecting. As the review indicates, he was also solid in The Humbling, another movie that wasn't really worthy of its exceptional lead performance.

And I am hoping that playing solo with a couple of Link dolls will be a fairly satisfying experience. (Phrasing!)

I heard that Nintendo was working on a 2D and 3D version of Metroid - I assumed Retro would be handling a big 3D console title, but maybe they're actually cooking up something SUPER METROID-esque?

My guess is that they're saving most of their exciting stuff for the Nintendo NX (or whatever it ends up being called). Given the Wii U's terrible sales, I suppose it makes sense to focus their attention on delivering a new system with an impressive lineup of launch titles. I was also a little surprised that we didn't

I like the way FFX handles it, too - you don't really need to grind if you just want to go through the main story, but it's advisable if you're planning on running off and tackling the optional bosses.

New Mass Effect! New Mass Effect! In… well, space! With… uh, characters, probably! Doing… uh, things, I guess! New Mass Effect!

For all of the great technical improvements Dragon Age: Inquisition made, I think I'd rather play DA:2 again - almost everything in that game is story-driven and boasts a ton of dialogue, and that's the stuff that keeps me coming back to Bioware games.