
*eagerly clicks Dark Souls III trailer*
*realizes trailer has legs and teeth*
*loses 125,000 souls*
*goes back to retrieve them*
*falls off bridge on the way there*

I'm sure Fallout 4 is going to be a blast, but I must admit that the presentation focused on the most gimmicky parts of it. Crafting! Minigames! Second-screen apps! Tower defense games! Home building! Not-Amiibo Thingums! Face-shaping! For me, the total effect of all of that was, "Hey, here are a few mildly satisfying

It hasn't been completely recast. McDormand is still onboard, because nobody fires Frances McDormand and lives to tell the tale.

I'm really curious about how the game would play for someone who only focused on the main quests. There's so much character development and seemingly essential stuff to be found in parts of the game that are completely optional.

Same here… and I'm hopeful that they'll include all of the DLC, as I never got around to playing any of the ME3 add-ons (some of which are supposedly excellent).

Yeah, poisoning is really handy for bosses and some of those hulking regular creatures with a bunch of XP. I wound up using it a lot during the final third or so of that game.

Sounds like we're around the same place story-wise (though I haven't gotten the drunken bender mission yet). I agree - even the little throwaway sidequests tend to be involving, well-written and occasionally surprising. I fear it's spoiled me for a lot of other RPGs.

I'm looking forward to E3. Hoping to get some info on DARK SOULS 3, the new MASS EFFECT (and hopefully a current-gen Mass Effect trilogy collection), that mysterious new Mario 3D title being worked on, etc. There's a lot of filler, but I do get enjoy reading all the news that comes out of the event. I'll definitely

Hmmm. Well, I never played it on the Wii - is the port respectable enough to make it worth playing on the 3DS as a first-time experience?

Will do. I'll probably do a bit of MH4 this week, as it's reportedly one of the titles that benefits most from the upgrade.

What am I playing this weekend? More WITCHER 3, naturally. I've spent most of my time in Skellige this week, and it's a pretty nifty location (if occasionally a little tricky to traverse). Hoping to get some SPLATOON time in, too.

I, uh… well… er… I might have done the make-or-break Triss mission last night and said something I won't be able to take back. And an NPC spent some time insulting me for my decision afterwards. Anyway, Geralt seems to have his heart set on reuniting with Yen, so I took a gamble and guessed it might be worth seeing

Have to agree on that point. Especially when you miss the very first collectible in the level - once you've got it, you still have to play through the rest of the 10-minute level.

Yeah, the wide variety of abilities you can play with definitely adds some fun variety to the mix. It's a pleasure to play, despite the limited difficulty level.

Yeah. I had one "go wipe out these bandits" quest that completed as soon as I picked it up because I had already wiped out the bandits. There was another part of the game where I "found" a guy I hadn't been looking for, and the game just pretended that I had already finished the part of the quest in which I was told

I've spent a few hours with SPLATOON so far and I've found it to be great fun. This might be the first game I've played where I find myself preferring the multiplayer stuff to single-player - the campaign is clever and fun and creative, but there's nothing to match the thrill of a tight multiplayer match. I'm pretty

The stronghold in Dragon Age works in a number of different ways. Part of it is Assassin's Creed-style stuff, where you send off various supporting players on missions that you aren't allowed to undertake and you Get More Stuff as a result. However, you also have to spend points you've accumulated to unlock certain

The Assassin's Creed games sorta-kinda do that by letting you recruit other assassins and sending them out on missions that earn you loot. However, you don't actually have the option to complete those missions yourself, so…

I've definitely gotten some of that open world anxiety from THE WITCHER 3 - I have a full-time job and a marriage and a kid now, so I no longer have an endless supply of gaming time. Still, I've enjoyed so much of the game thus far that I'm slowly growing less concerned about "wasting time" on any particular aspect of

Truthfully, I would totally watch this if Debra Winger agreed to star. The world needs more Debra Winger.