
I've never been an online shooter fan (I spent a fair amount of time in Destiny's multiplayer, but otherwise I've gotten bored rather quickly), but this looks absolutely delightful. The fact that there's a solid (if short) single-player campaign added into the mix is enough to make me feel okay about plunking down

I should have known better/done more research. Never played Sapphire/Ruby when they were released, so I figured there would be enough of a difference to make it worthwhile.

Blitzball did almost nothing for me, and I decided not to spend 30 hours hunting down ultimate weapons to deal with optional endgame bosses. I found the game deeply satisfying without playing Blitzball, but YMMV.

Okami HD is wonderful. As good as the best Zelda games.

This weekend, I'll be playing more of THE WITCHER 3: THE WILD HUNT. Full disclosure: I've never played a Witcher title before since I'm a Sony/Nintendo guy (and my PC can't run anything fancier than Lode Runner), so this is my first journey into that particular world. I did a little brushing up on the lore before

This certainly sounds like the movie being promoted by the trailer: a dull, moody drama with lots of Very Significant Imagery (mostly bird-related).

Hmmm. The main complaint I've heard about X-2 is that it's too silly. One way or the other, I figure it's best to take a break from FF for a little while so it's easier to view X-2 as its own thing.

Yeah, I like that the aeons stick around, too. Still, much of the time they simply got wiped out while resting after unleashing their special attack.

The Omega what now?

So, I finally finished my first-ever playthrough of FINAL FANTASY X - a tremendous game. My final playthrough clocked in at around 40 hours, though you can probably add five or six to that thanks to a couple of tough boss battles and a handful of dumb deaths. I realize there's a 100-hour game tucked away in here full

I got pretty excited when Dan from Deadwood turned up in the game, especially because it took a few hours for TLOU to really grab me (I honestly found the prologue exploitative and off-putting rather than gripping/moving). Still, you're right - the story is ultimately where that game shines.

I've never played a Monster Hunter game, but I'm thinking about jumping in. Would Monster Hunter 3 for the Wii U or Monster Hunter 4 on the 3DS be a better entry point?

I'll be continuing my first-ever playthrough of FINAL FANTASY X, which has more or less completely won me over. I'm *think* I'm a decent way into the story - about 20 hours in and just finished a major boss battle (I won't say who it is, but it's the one where the boss summons an aeon halfway through). Really digging

I saw this one in the theatre. As the credits were rolling, the old man sitting behind me turned to his friend and said, "That was okay, but it still makes me sick to see Harrison Ford playing a goddamned commie."

Yeah, this is my first time playing, and I'm trying not to consult the internet too much despite the fact that I know I'll undoubtedly make some mistakes as a result. Still, glad to have a heads-up on this. Thanks!

Um… *checks internet*… oh, see, I didn't even notice that there are multiple paths for him, as I haven't done much leveling with him yet. I think I'll probably go the melee route, as Yuna and Lulu seem to have the white/black mage thing covered pretty well.

Very interesting - never would have guessed it was the same guy. Yeah, it's mostly when he gets upset/excited that his unusual vocal choices stand out.

I'll be continuing my journey through FINAL FANTASY X on the Vita. I've worked my way through the first few hours of the game (just past the mandatory bliztball game), and I have to say I'm really enjoying this one so far. The story is compelling, the combat is terrific (I love the fact that it's pure turn-based

I mean I wish the whole series had been completed before they started work. They were guessing about what they needed to foreshadow, and it shows. Waiting might have fixed a number of tonal issues/character inconsistencies.

Love the movie, but have to admit that I prefer the series and return to it more often. Edgar Wright's flick is one of the most inventive, stylish, entertaining comic book flicks I've seen, but it doesn't quite hit me in the heart the same way the books do.