
I feel the same way about the Harry Potter franchise. Those movies could have fixed a lot of little problems if they had waited until the books were completed.

Yeah, that's kinda what I figured. I'll be taking a few short trips over the next few weeks, and it'll be good to have a substantial portable title to take with me.

Oh, man, you just reminded me that the new Mario Kart DLC is out! I completely forgot about that somehow. Can't wait to check those out. The last batch was pretty terrific.

I was tempted to wait for that version… but I've owned the PS Vita version for a while, and figured I should give myself a reason to keep using that device.

Since finishing BLOODBORNE, I've been dabbling around with a few different things. Currently about halfway through SHOVEL KNIGHT, which is a terrific game but also a challenging one - in four hours of play, I have died 141 times. Obviously, I'm not really a master platformer (pretty good at Mario games, pretty

The beginning of Mensis was horrific for me until I found a couple of Frenzy resistance runes. Those made a huge difference.

How frustrating is the weapon degradation issue in the PS4 version of DS2? I had a friend tell me that his stuff was getting broken so quickly that it made the game almost unplayable for him, but I haven't heard that from many other folks.

Well, I finally finished BLOODBORNE! Man, that game was a blast. Probably the finest PS4 title released to date (certainly the finest PS4 exclusive). I managed to get the "true ending," which I certainly won't spoil. Suffice it to say that ending is pretty strange. Also, that penultimate boss battle was absolutely

At least the designers were merciful enough to make the run to Ebrietas really short. I guess they knew most people would be making that trip quite a few times.

Yeah, I rolled off the roof a couple times, too. Once when I was realllly close to polishing him off. Felt good to finally win that one. A frustrating fight, but I loved the castle area overall.

I'm hoping to polish off BLOODBORNE this weekend. I think I'm getting pretty close to the end - currently working my way through the Nightmare Frontier and getting killed by those boulder dudes. The fight against Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos was insanely intense - those one-hit-kill laser shots she unleashes are

I got about halfway into Dark Souls, realized I had leveled up my character the wrong way and quit. Picked it up over a year later, started over and beat the thing.

I'm ashamed to admit it, but I never finished VII. Got a decent way into it (I know I had gotten access to the ship that lets you zip across the map), really enjoyed myself up to that point, got distracted by something else and then just never went back to it. I'll think about returning every now and then, though I've

Hopefully it'll be more interesting than that half-assed documentary James Franco threw together.

Perhaps I'm just spoiled by the hand-holding of modern games, but I've also had a number of frustrating Zelda experiences where I couldn't figure out where to go next and wasted hours just fumbling around looking for a way forward (I'm looking at you, Twilight Princess). I love solving puzzles and stuff, but have

So have the bugs in AC: Unity been dealt with effectively enough to make it worth picking up? I was scared away by all the negative buzz early on, but now that it's dropped to $20 I've been thinking about grabbing it.

I enjoyed Oblivion, but hated closing Oblivion gates. I did all of the guilds and sidequests I could find and had a grand time, but I left almost all of the optional Oblivion gates alone. Those things got tedious very quickly.

Good to know. I'll probably stick with the physical stats, then. I'm really not finding many weapons at all thus far, though I still have a good way to go. I have yet to find something I like more than the axe I started with.

Like so many of you, I'll be pressing on in BLOODBORNE. Just defeated the boss in the Forbidden Woods, and I have to say, that was hands-down the most thrilling boss fight yet. Intense, frantic, terrifying… but fair. Really loving this game so far. Admittedly, I'm still getting used to the specifics of this world

Amending my previous statement - Shadows of Yarnham is my new favorite. Holy crap, that was an intense fight. Took out the last guy with only one blood vial left. Sheesh. Fun and terrifying in the best possible way.