
Have to agree on Father G. being the best so far, though I've only fought the five you've mentioned. Really like Amelia's design if not the fight itself. Wound up turning the sound down just because all that screeching got so distracting. BSB was probably the toughest one for me - wound up resorting to NPC aid to get

Ahem. Ubisoft would like you to know that these are 2.5-D titles. You're only losing half a dimension! (It's the expensive half.)

Load times are a little slow, but not unbearable. Maybe 20 seconds? There's a nice little travel animation that accompanies it, and you travel infrequently enough that it doesn't become a nuisance.

Somehow, this is the first I'm hearing about the single player campaign - a factor that raises my interest a great deal. For some reason, I was under the impression that it was exclusively a multiplayer shooter. Just watched some of that footage and it does indeed look fantastic.

Yeah, I had to do the same. Easily the most frustrating part of that game for me.

Yeah, I'm still trying to get a handle on things like enemy sightlines and such. Seems like there's more of a stealth element here than before, which is intriguing given the more aggressive nature of the combat.

Did somebody say BLOODBORNE? Because I'll definitely be playing BLOODBORNE. My time has been limited this week, so I've only put a couple of hours into it so far. I haven't made it to the first boss yet - I keep getting my butt handed to me, usually because I do something dumb and find myself swarmed by three or four

That's definitely the weakest part of the game for me - it's the combination of the puzzles getting particularly obnoxious and the story grinding to a halt while you're trying to deal with them.

I should have clarified - I've been playing those on my VITA. Not sure if they're on the PS4 yet.

The only control elements that really drive me crazy are the driving controls (or non-driving parts of the game that use driving controls). It took me five minutes to drag that axe through the door. Craziness. It also bugs me that you often have to be standing in *exactly* the right spot to interact with certain

That's part of the excitement for me, too. I've played all three of the others, but came to each of them long enough after release that the internet was already loaded with detailed FAQs (which I inevitably wound up checking at some point). Going to try to avoid looking up anything this time around and see what

I'm getting so excited about Bloodborne. I'm the sort of person who usually waits for the price to drop a little before picking up a new game, but I'll be popping that one in as soon as I get home from work on Tuesday.

I'll be finishing up my playthrough of GRIM FANDANGO, a game I haven't played since the '90s. Just finished Year 3, and I'm struck by two things:
1. This might be my favorite cast of characters in any video game ever made.
2. Quite a few of the puzzles make no sense whatsoever

Agreed. In most of his recent roles, De Niro looks like he'd rather be doing anything else. Pacino still gives an effort almost every single time, and I think he's still capable of delivering in the right role (I thought he was terrific in YOU DON'T KNOW JACK and pretty decent in PHIL SPECTOR).

I'm gonna have to check this one out at some point, as the first one was a fairly riveting experience. That being said, I found the first one fairly tough towards the end (especially that one boss battle), so hearing that the difficulty has been ramped up here is a little intimidating.

A meatier story would have gone a long way towards making Destiny's campaign more enjoyable for me. As it was, I barely understood (or cared) why I was doing anything. The FPS mechanics are so slick and polished, but the world feels half-finished.

Re: Game-breaking bugs: I was really digging KINGDOMs OF AMALUR: RECKONING for quite a while and was in the middle of a completionist playthrough when I hit a quest that permanently broke my ability to fast-travel. It took me a long while to figure this out, so when I finally did I had to go back to an old save file

Confession: I got hooked on this game, played for a good 15-20 hours… and then just had to stop, simply because it was putting me in a bad mood. It's a smart, deep, well-crafted game, and the ideas discussed in this piece are pretty fascinating, but I realized that I simply couldn't immerse myself in its world long

I've been playing ASSASSIN'S CREED: BLACK FLAG, so more of that. I'm about halfway through and I've determined that it's both a terrific pirate game and a so-so AC game. The fact that they force stealth mechanics onto certain sailing missions is absurd, and the present-day/mythology-drive stuff is less compelling than

Not yet. I think I'm at level 22 or 23 and I have two main story mission left.