
Just finished APOTHEON, which was ultimately a pretty satisfying experience. I got more comfortable with the clunky combat as the game proceeded, and the level design was consistently fresh and compelling. I loved just exploring the nooks and crannies of the game's world and finding hidden stuff. A pretty solid PS+

From the forthcoming film adaptation of ASSASSIN'S CREED:

"Sir, I'd like to spend the next two years continuing to work on a cure for cancer. We're close, I know we are!"

I'll check this out at some point (still need to get around to playing my copy of Kirby: Triple Deluxe), though I find it a little frustrating that such a gorgeous-looking game forces you to spend most of your time looking at the Wii U gamepad.

Good grief. That video put knots in my stomach.

I've really enjoyed this one so far (about three hours in), but you're right about the combat's general clunkiness. I'll also say that I've probably been more forgiving because the game hasn't crashed on me once yet (despite the fact that I'm playing on PS4).

Yeah, Ridley's pretty brutal. Not to mention the least predictable of the bosses.

I have a Vita and like it, but Sony doesn't seem to be doing a great job of supporting it with interesting new titles these days. It's a terrific piece of hardware, but to be honest, I probably spend way more time on the 3DS simply due to the fact that the 3DS has more games I'm eager to play.

I forget the source and I'm too lazy to Google it, but I seem to recall hearing a rumor recently that Nintendo had plans for both a 2D and 3D Metroid title (I would assume the former for handheld, the latter for console).

Apotheon is quite good so far. It takes a little time to get used to some of the mechanics, but it's a lot of fun.

Just finished playing METROID PRIME, which was as terrific as I remembered. Well, mostly, anyway. I still think the game's excellent pacing is thrown off by that looooong fetch quest they throw at you late in the proceedings, but the epic boss battles you get to engage in afterwards are a pretty great finish. I'll

Saw him do stand-up shortly before he was fired from SNL and he did a great bit on how his father was going onto internet message boards and defending him.

"Holy Shit" is like some sort of self-loathing hipster version of "We Didn't Start the Fire," but damn, I can't stop listening to it. The sincere/satirical/spiteful/sorrowful tonal balancing act FJM pulls off on this album is pretty amazing.

No one will know the song, but: there's a song in THE IDENTICAL called "Gypsy Man" that blatantly rips off the chorus of "Ain't No Mountain High Enough."

Yeah, the limited playtime element definitely plays a role. When I was single and living in an apartment by myself, I was perfectly content to spend an eternity exploring every nook and cranny of a game's world (as long as the world was compelling enough to merit that, anyway). Now that I'm married and have a kid, I

I haven't. I haven't done any deals with the devil because they struck me as, uh, bad deals, but perhaps I should focus on doing so with this goal in mind.

Yeah, those are the only two.

After someone in last week's WAYPTW column mentioned that the Metroid Prime Trilogy was available on the Wii U for $10, I jumped on it immediately. As such, I've been playing METROID PRIME for the past week or so and will continue to do so this weekend. I'm about halfway through, if memory serves - just got the

Hmmm. I was all ready to buy this until I got to the bit about the unconvincingly "hip" teenage lingo. That sounds pretty insufferable. On the other hand, I just played ALIEN: ISOLATION, which was filled with unconvincing human person dialogue, so… yeah, I'll give this a shot once all five chapters are out.