
Yeah, almost all of the sidequests in DAII had at least a moderate amount of story-related content (save for the handful of weird, pointless missions where you would stumble upon some random thing sitting around, discover that you need to bring it to some random place, bring it to that place and then get a "mission

Yeah, that was fun. Looking forward to playing the First Light DLC when it's released on PS+ next month.

I haven't played quite a few things that are making some of these end of the year lists, but here are my picks for best games of the year…

Favorite video game music of the year? Gotta go with the ridiculously infectious Excitebike Arena music from the Mario Kart 8 DLC. Pure crazy joy.…

They're gonna do the thing Herzog did with Nosferatu, except instead of shooting the same movie in different languages, they're gonna shoot it with different actors and market the two versions to different audiences. Ads for the Ford version will run on CBS, while ads for the Liam Hemsworth version will run on The CW.

The Gambler is great. One of the finest gambling movies ever made, and possibly Caan's best performance.

The writing in Destiny isn't bad, exactly, it just isn't really there. I'm still a little surprised that they hired all of these high-caliber voice actors and had each of them deliver a few sentences of generic dialogue. I kinda-sorta enjoyed my time with that game, but the world just felt so disappointingly bland and

I loved the Winter Palace mission just because it was so different from everything else in the game, but man, people sure do turn on you quickly if you disappear for more than fifteen seconds. Also, evidently I missed a *lot* of areas, because I only found maybe 1/5th of the favor-boosting collectibles that allegedly

Dragon Age 2 was a much easier self-contained entry point, honestly. It hinted at events from the previous game, but was largely its own self-contained thing. Here, the plot leans pretty heavily on elements from both of the previous Dragon Age games (particularly the second). I imagine parts of it could seem a little

I really like Emerald Graves. It's an area where the environment shifts quite a bit from one side to the other, and there's some quietly subtle storytelling in the level design that reminds me of Dark Souls a little bit (though Emerald Graves is a much friendlier place than most areas in Dark Souls). I'm a fan of the

Well, I finally finished the Dragon Age: Inquisition campaign, so I will probably not be playing that this weekend.

It's still the only 3DS title which has made great use of the 3D, imho. I've been thinking about going back and doing a "unlock everything" playthrough - there are at least a couple of bonus levels I still haven't seen.

Yeah, I also told him to leave and never talk to me again - and shortly after that, when you're giving that last pep talk to your troops, he has the nerve to show up AGAIN like, "Uh, just checking, are we cool? Because I can move past this if you can." NO MEANS NO, ANDERS.

I initially tried to romance Sera, but she also disapproved of many of my pro-mage actions (along with my general tendency to avoid executing people whenever possible), so it didn't happen. Wound up romancing Iron Bull instead.

The Pokemon equivalent of the Dark Brotherhood would surely provide a memorable experience

Getting close-ish to finishing myself and will be waiting for a while before returning to it in the hopes that they'll work out some of the bugs over the next few months. Maybe I'll return to it in the month or so before they release some DLC?

Yeah, only the co-op stuff is much fun in Nintendoland. The game is glorified system tutorial, and much of it feels weirdly lifeless. I stopped playing the solo stuff after three or four hours.

I've been taking a pro-mage stance in Inquisition, and I'm kind of amazed that Vivienne hasn't left the party yet. She seems to disapprove or greatly disapprove of every move I make.

I will be playing more Dragon Age: Inquisition. I'm now a whopping 67 hours into this thing. I'm still more or less in love with it, but the deeper I go the more its shortcomings are revealed. While the balance between Skyrim-style exploration and story-driven material is pretty thrilling at first, after a while it

I haven't, but I'll check it out. Thanks!