
I was surprised by how much I liked this movie, particularly since I felt that Jean-Marc Vallee's DALLAS BUYERS CLUB was incredibly overrated (strong performances, conventional everything else). This is really something, though. It doesn't go for easy inspirational movie cliches and it tackles a lot of

Ah yes, the guy my elderly co-worker always refers to as "Vincent DiCaprio."

I bought Far Cry 3 for $10 last year, but still haven't played it because it always looks just a little bit less interesting than whatever other AAA murder simulator I'm thinking about playing. It gathers dust on the shelf, as Vaas sits there staring at me and impatiently beckoning: "Come at me, bro." I would, Vaas, I

80% of my time on the 3DS is spent at home, so having a travel-friendly version isn't of particular importance to me. I'll probably just stick with the Wii U version. Thanks!

Mentioned this over on the Smash Bros article, but I'm going to keep playing Dragon Age: Inquisition. Man, I love this game. I *just* got to the part where the game really, truly opens up and I have to say, the mission leading up to that moment gave me goosebumps. Terrific stuff, and it makes the relatively

I haven't bought either version yet, but definitely plan to get the Wii U version. Does the 3DS version boast enough unique content to merit a separate purchase?

I'll be playing this one, too. I had a tough time with that boss at the end of the swamp area, too, but it was the fourth area I fully explored so I was *just* strong enough to handle it. Still haven't taken out the Hinterlands dragon, though (my first attempt was… uh, humbling). I'm loving this game so far, save for

Fair point. Brotherhood was definitely the best in this department. The main quest almost felt like a tutorial for the sidequests in that one.

Also worth mentioning: I've been playing Dragon Age: Inquisition over the past few days, and it really serves as an effective demonstration of how to handle sidequest busywork in a game. Like the Assassin's Creed games, Inquisition has you finding hidden areas, solving mini-puzzles, collecting shards, fetching

Super Goomba Bros: Don't Tread On Me

I still need to play Black Flag, so I'll probably get to that sometime within the next month or two and wait for the inevitable PS4 port of this one. It's really strange to me that this is a last-gen exclusive given that it's basically Black Flag 2, but I suppose it makes sense from a business perspective - get people

Templar's Creed: Get Down From There!

Haha. My first one was stolen a while ago, so I've been saving my pennies and was finally able to buy another one this week. Sorry, should have clarified.


Yeah, I'll admit the ending was a disappointment. (MORE SPOILERS BELOW)

I caught up with DA2 a few weeks ago and found it a very pleasant surprise. It's a much smaller game and there's a fair bit of repetition, but I found it a largely satisfying experience loaded with terrific characters. It's an intimate bit of counterpoint to the grand, save-the-universe tale of Origins.

"Hey, welcome to the Thieves Guild! Any interest in being president? You seem like an amazing thief, based on the two or three things you've stolen so far."

A fine piece, Mr. Dowd! That being said, #TeamFellini.

I have eaten at that very same Cracker Barrel on multiple occasions and can confirm that it's a rock solid Cracker Barrel, just like every other Cracker Barrel I've ever been to.

I'm really looking forward to it. The two or three Naval Missions I've done so far in III have been a lot of fun, and I hear that Black Flag handles them with much more finesse.