
I tend to do this a lot with handheld games. I played through large chunks of Bravely Default while watching a variety of TV shows - I'd usually pause whatever I was watching during dialogue scenes, but there are long stretches of dungeon-crawling in that game, so it worked out pretty well. Grind-heavy RPGs and

It's fantastic. Works well for watching stuff on Netflix late at night, too.

I'm continuing my journey through the Assassin's Creed franchise, so I'll be playing some Assassin's Creed III this weekend.

My friend and I had a bunch of Civil War-themed Playmobil sets when we were kids. Every so often, we would build giant Playmobil forts, place the soldiers on top of the fort and have "civil war battles" by throwing marbles at each other's soldiers (one at a time - we'd take turns). Sometimes, we would make little

Tomb of the Giants is rough, but…

FWIW - I enjoy The Newsroom quite a bit despite its flaws and I'm honestly a little sad that it's going away. The thing about that opening speech which bugged me a bit wasn't the "Worst. Generation. Ever." bit, but the way Will transitions from a stats-based takedown of the present to a sentiment-based tribute to the

"None of this is the fault of 20-year-old viewers, but you, without a doubt, are members of the WORST period GENERATION period EVER period, so when you ask what makes me the greatest screenwriter in the world, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about! Studio 60!? But I sure used to be. I stood up for what was

Good review, but "Will McAvoy is a monster" strikes me as a bit of an overstatement. A pompous ass with an inflated view of his own self-importance? Sure. But unlike Don Draper, Will's heart is usually in the right place. Obnoxious as he can be when he's on a "mission to civilize," he strikes me as a fundamentally

Got a lasagna in the oven, Jack,
Cranked it up to 400 and then just sat back,
Melted cheese, beef and sauce is flowing,
Give it an hour and then we'll get going,

The show was okay, but man, Danny Huston is just terrifying. If the show as a whole had been better (or at least more popular), he would've been popping up on all sorts of "Best TV Villains of the 21st Century" lists.

That was admittedly the worst of them. The tank was a lot of fun, though.

I'm continuing to plow through Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. I think I'm going to be wrapping things up soon - midway through the 7th memory sequence, and I've taken down all the Borgia towers and restored at least a sizable portion of Rome. The thing that I've realized about this game is that the main campaign is

Reitman's an interesting guy. Though I haven't seen Men, Women & Children yet, all of his films are fundamentally morality plays, and it seems to me that a lot of reviews of his films tend to be positive or negative based on whether the individual critic feels the deeper message being pushed is one worth taking to

Huh. I wandered down a very similar web wormhole last week after watching THE BELIEVERS - was curious to hear what those who actually practiced voodoo/voodoo-esque religions thought of the way Hollywood typically handles such things. Short version: they're not crazy about it.

I have a baseball signed by Liev Schreiber. I was watching batting practice before a Braves/Dodgers game in Atlanta, and oddly enough, Schreiber, Naomi Watts and all of their kids were there. A fence separated the actors and players from the common folk, but I was close enough to listen in on their conversations with

No Breaking Bad toys, but at least you can still buy Grand Theft Auto V at Toys R Us.

Happy birthday!

You're probably right.

Yeah, the police are going to run the serial # through the local pawn shops to see if it turns up. Considering that's pretty much all they took, they may have been taking it to play rather than sell. They left the rest of our stuff alone (including an iPad sitting out in the same room as the PS4), but did about $3500

My house was broken into last weekend and my PS4 was stolen, so no more current-gen, 1080p goodness for me (unless the police find it - fingers crossed).