Besides, anything that gets people to be more active is a good thing. If it works for somebody, why would anybody tell them it’s wrong? If it results in improved health, it’s not wrong.
Besides, anything that gets people to be more active is a good thing. If it works for somebody, why would anybody tell them it’s wrong? If it results in improved health, it’s not wrong.
Counterpoint: Working out is boring. Going for a run is boring. The gym is expensive. Some people live in places where being outside for significant portions of the year is untenable.
“Your Name.” deserves the anime slot more than Spirited Away. I’ve never felt the threads of a film come together so completely well as Your Name. (I love Spirited Away, to be clear). My partner never connects with anime, but he’s a film guy. I made him watch it and he immediately ordered the Bluray.
I’m surprised he didn’t have a slide for “Obviously you live in your car”.
Haha cool being poor and not being able to afford expensive body work or a new vehicle altogether is definitely tacky, great stuff.
Gotcha. I was angry for “you” - sincere or otherwise. I just cannot comprehend that people gotta be such bungholes on the interweb.
There is almost no facet of humanity older than facial hair... how is a beard trendy?
For many Jews, Muslims, Sikhs, Amish and others, shaving may violate their religious beliefs. And certain kinds of cloth masks, like neck gaiters, are probably more effective for people with a beard.
I admit, the humor completely went over my head. Apologies for helping fuel the fire considering we’re both making the same point.
Trendy? Beads have been around for tens of thousands of years, my friend. It’s not like it’s some millenial-hipster thing.
Or, you could weigh the value of your and others’ health with looking like a trendy douche. No offense, just saying.
some people have beards for religious reasons, you know.
You thinking this is some deadly disease is what I find most hilarious... Also that is the exact response I’d expect from a dude that cannot grow anything good >.> Some of us grow majestic shit, I’d rather have that than all these people anyway, plus I live in the mountains, cannot wait for something to wipe out all…
Congrats on your hypochondria.
Look up the Singh Thatta Technique. It involves using a thin rubber exercise band, which you wrap around your chin and tie above your head (you also want to have a head covering like a surgical cap, so the band doesn’t pull your hair when you tie it). This allows the N95 to have a snug, airtight fit without…
Hello white privilege, is that you?
Thanks for the tip. I’ll continue to prioritize my beard.
I’m not shaving my fucking beard. Period.