
What a fucking dork you are, man...Social Justice Avengers. Adjust your hat, neckbeard, and venture forth from thy parent's basement. Breath that fresh air. Take a hit from your asthma inhaler. Now relax because it's just a comic book.

After Wreck-it Ralph, I'm willing to believe it's possible.

I'd totally warp back again. I am that guy.

Uh what? Dark Souls 1 and Demon Souls are insanely easy in comparison to this game. Took me a full fucking day to get to the first boss and I've yet to down him. Yet I snored through Dark Souls 1 and licked my wounds through Demon Souls.

I'm guessing they probably just have a number of beard models and they fade the old out and the new in after hitting certain time-frames in the game.

Werner Von Braun, Huntsville, AL

Another thing I learned to do. If you are just wanting to play a game to get through it or for the story, don't be ashamed of playing on easy. As a father with a huge backlog and limited time I have found playing the games I care less about on easy helps be get through them quicker. I no longer have time for the

Fuck snacks. This is what you need for heists:
1-Headset/mic. Communication is god.
2-Generally people who aren't idiots.

If you have those two things, you're golden. More often than not, people who fail to go with #2 almost always fail to adhere to #1 as well, so at least you can screen them that way.

My bank has a feature that allows me to create a one-use credit card whenever I need it. I create it with the amount I'm going to spend, and after that, it's useless.

Also, this:

That's really weird that it does that for you. I have 2-step enabled on my account and I never get the prompt on my Xbox 360 or Xbox One. I can also easily make purchases on the Marketplace by just clicking on purchase and selecting my CC. Only one time on my Xbox One did it prompt me to enter my password for a random

I'd rather have that extra hassle and have an extra layer of security. As it stands, right now I kinda fear for my PSN purchases (which include a truckload of PSP and PSOne games for my Vita).

I live in a third world country and was not shocked by this >:/

Canada has data caps smaller than that one game on most Internet accounts.

And ironically, the new DD series will use this black motif in the early going.

I can't take a 15kb image you copied off a web page and make it look good on a 4' tall print. Photoshop isn't magic. If you want good looking posters/banners provide good looking art.

I'm also in IT. We make good money. And there is absolutely zero reason to get a degree to work in my field. With a decent home server, a few trial copies of Windows Server 2012 R2, a few Microsoft books on Active Directory/System Center, some iron will and Google-fu, you can bootstrap your own knowledge base, get a

Why wouldn't people just plug their computer into their TV?

I'm guessing a significant chunk of that Tower time has been spent A) looking for Xur and B) jumping from plant to plant while waiting for everyone to finish getting ready.