
now imagine a person standing here holding a sifter waiting for a diamond to pop out. This is what trying to find a good mobile game is like.

You know Shep, your post is the one post I eagerly look forward to everyday.

I genuinely love Destiny — I've spent at least 200 hours playing it — and wish it didn't feel like the people behind it were trying to piss off players at every turn. Between Bungie's poor communication with the community and their insistence upon forcing players to play the way THEY want players to play (see: weekly

All this kid needed was 1,200 to get it done?

Release a game with bugs - gamers get mad

I used to have a poor mindset and decided to cut devs a lot of slack as of late. Which is why I feel really bad for the Halo MCC team. But one I can go with is when the Xbox guy (his name escapes me and I don't want to look it up) said how hard could it be to add a screenshot feature to Xbox One? I had those same

There's a massive disconnect between game developers and the customer. It is hilarious watching threads of people discussing your work and pretending to know how your code works.

Woohoo!!! Free money!... this is why I stopped paying any attention to Kickstarter. Such a scam.

I think Sony's best bet would be to bank harder on the PS4's wild success. Make a handheld that focuses on a perfect remote play experience, while maintaining backwards compatibility with the PS Vita.

To be fair, it's the PS4 specifically that hasn't had any solid exclusives. The PS3 was utterly fantastic for exclusives (and not just first party exclusives either). Sony just needs to get their act together when it comes to the PS4.

The smart play would have been to make Sarah Connor win the lottery instead of trying to kill her. JC grows up soft and overprivileged, advantage Skynet.

My body is ready

Because some of us actually like supporting studios who make good games, regardless of publisher-mandated dlc nonsense, and Evolve is a very fun game.

Better question: Why are you trying to shame people for liking and supporting something you don't?

The game doesn't even have uPlay integration.

After like 25 hrs with the game I still get the butterflies when Im solo and night is coming. The 2nd unlocked map is crazy hard and crazy fun. I've played mostly co-op and its a blast, but the game is equally enjoyable solo I think. It adds a sense of danger when you're all by yourself at night time.

it is literally the exact same thing as the main game, just with other people

You can do whatever you like. The missions are tied to the person you joined. Its hella fun. I was rolling around with a couple buddies the first couple nights and ooohhh the cop cars we broke into! You don't even know.

Now playing

The online play has been smooth for me. It only really slightly stutters for me if there are hundreds of zombies on the screen. But it doesn't happen often. Also this.

Free roaming, but with a story you can follow.