
I’m enjoying Fallout 4, but none of the quests have come close to the Red Baron’s side quest in The Witcher 3. Side quest... take that in.

You get my star instead. TLOU still has one of the best stories out of most of the games I’ve played in my lifetime.

I rented it from RedBox back when it came out and was into it, played halfway through with intent of picking it up, and just never got back to it. I thought it was a pretty great game and I’m going to pick it up on the PS4.

Dying Light is a pretty great game. Felt like there was something around every corner and the anxiety when night would fall just hasn’t been captured by any other game. I’m looking forward to the expansion for it if I’m not playing Fallout 4.

On the patrol missions, we call ‘em “Kill ‘Em Alls” and the other we call “Collector Missions” or “Collectors” for short. Shores of Time is my favorite PvP map and Hunter everything is best everything (jumps, subclasses, etc.).

I have a friend with a busted leg and he’s been bored out of his mind. So I took my XB1 over and we’ve been going through the Master Chief Collection playing split-screen co-op and having a blast. I was going to pick up Halo 5, but doesn’t look like that will be happening with lack of split screen.

I think you’re missing out on how companies make money to pay for servers to host the content, paying writers/reporters to come up with said content. Who cares if they get a commission? I’m glad to hear “Oh hey, this is a pretty damn good device and here’s a link if you want to buy it.” And you think there’s something

I think you’re missing out on how companies make money to pay for servers to host the content, paying

They should have looked at Hello Games business model. A team of 10 people made a pretty cool game, Joe Danger, and made second Joe Danger and now they’re making No Mans Sky still with the same team of ten people.

I thought you could only change allegiance once per week.

How convenient! My XBox Live expired today.

How convenient! My XBox Live expired today.

I have both the Xbox 1 and the PS4 and I have to say that the XB1 controller is the better of the two construction wise. My third PS4 controller’s left analog stick started acting wonky the other night. I try to go forward and it stutters and stops and I may get 1-2 seconds of actual forward movement. The PS3

Hehe, I just saw a video earlier today and the dude looked a lot like my dude.

Now playing

Yep! On the menu showing “Cameras” down near the bottom you can slow down or speed up the camera. Here’s one I made last night -

There’s a ton of filters you can use to change up the way it all looks with the in-game editor. I started messing around with the PS4 version last night and it’s pretty great for something that’s on a console.

It’s showing up as $424.53. Was there a code or something I needed to add?

It’s showing up as $424.53. Was there a code or something I needed to add?

PC or console or both? I couldn’t find anything on their site.

Yep, $60 to get Destiny (again), both of the DLC’s and The Taken King.

I like Dinklage better.


I want to get one for the looks alone. I’m a big fan of tins.