
Skins or blouses?

I was true to Yennefer and didn’t get this scene.

Those pants looked too tight compared to the ones he wore in the movie. I was hoping for the same.

I played for a couple of months and really enjoyed it. The driving in it felt better than the driving in Battlefield Hardline. I’ve gone back to playing Battlefield 4.

Up to 99 in storage.

Did you come up to the bridge from the house? If you did, lure them back to house and they won't go through the door. Start smacking them from there. You're right near the first boss. Keep it up and you'll get through, man.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels this way. Four hours last night and... and I don't want to say how far I've gotten out of embarrassment. My last comment to the game before turning it off was "FUCK! Come on!!"

I have a pair of Van's from '98 and they're still wearable to this day.

The ego chaser energy bars seem like they restore more health than Ps & Qs.

Yeah, I was thinking about it when I saw this on reddit this morning. I removed my credit card info from my PSN account. I'm just going to use PSN cards for purchases from now on.

I wouldn't say perfect. The gameplay itself is great, but load times and a few small things knock it down a few points to me. Instead of a five star rating, say like, a 4.5 star rating.

Revisiting Diablo 3 on the PS4 since a few of my friends recently purchased it. Trying to get in some GTA V before heists are released on Tuesday. Also playing Helldivers when I can squeeze it in (love this game!).

It's fun when you play with people you know and still fun with strangers. Just with strangers, I tend to get annoyed with the friendly fire because it feels like they don't know wtf they're doing. I'm digging it so far though.

Helldivers is listed both for the 3rd and the 10th.

I picked up two copies of Halo:MCC. One for me and one for my nephew. Is the co-op online or split screen only?

Dude, that would be amazing.

There's at least four, and sometimes six, of us that roam and just look for cars, find spots to hang out, murder some hobos and generally have fun. When we feel like it, we run a bunch of missions to build money back up. I'm digging it now and really look forward to heists, but I can't see our fun lasting more than

We take our bikes up Mt Chilead. Sometimes we take the SandKings. Then going down the east side in first-person (especially on bikes) is awesome.

Well, I was going to get one of the new 3DSs and keep my Zelda 3DS XL. Guess I'm just keeping my Zelda edition. Fuck this.

Yep, three missions and then a few more to do before you can do the strike(s). It seems like most of the content is just the new raid. The upgraded armor from the factions is just the same shit with better stats. It does not feel like a $20 "expansion". Look at what GTA V has been doing. Releasing content every couple