Yeah, I thought the version before this one was just fine and I was happy with it. The world has moved on.
Yeah, I thought the version before this one was just fine and I was happy with it. The world has moved on.
If the XB1 had a deal for exclusive DLC for Destiny, it would make me think about getting one, but just that... thinking about it and not getting an XB1.
The PS3/PS4 will have early access to the beta and there's also something that's going to be exclusive to the PlayStation version. I don't remember if they announced what that will be though. Still, I don't think that's enough to draw someone from the XB1 to the PS4.
Sounds like a New Zealander sheep-farmer.
I like Polygon, but I still prefer Kotaku's layout (and the people here).
Yep, I saw someone else comment that he's going to be at Polygon.
Man, it doesn't seem like I've been following Kotaku that long, but I remember when Totilo came over. I still follow some of the guys that used to be here (Crecente, McWherter). I may not be all that vocal on here, but I read this site religiously every day. Sad to see you go, Owen.
Way too much of paying to play in alpha these days. Of course I bought in on a few though. After my experiences I'm less likely to buy in to test a game out... except for EverQuest Next Landmark. I'm a hypocrit :|
I have the opposite problem. I have a head like a watermelon and have broken a couple of headsets.
All aboard the hype train. Went ahead and ordered Titanfall through the GMG deal. $48 isn't too bad. After watching the vids posted today, it looks like it'll be fun.
"Come back, Shane!"
I say "imager"
And Killzone:Mercenary was the best Killzone game I've ever played (even better than ShadowFall in my opinion). Olli Olli is pretty great right now and tons of free games via PS+.
Don't they mean the BEARlin wall...
I bought Y. Just thought it looked cool. And this is my first time really playing a Pokemon game.
I think I'll give it a shot. Thanks for the info, bro.
Sounds pretty cool to me. Kind of like Ni No Kuni? I'm not big into JRPGs, but I liked Ni No Kuni's system.
Anyone play Puppeteer? I remember seeing it then not really much about it after that. What are your thoughts on Metal Gear:Peacemaker?
Man, crouch/prone better be in the next installment of the Assassin's Creed series. I can't count the number of times I've been on the roof and wanted to go prone.
Is inFamous:Second Son the only game to look forward to on the PS4? Next gen problems :P