I think the point he might be making is their exclusivity to the 360. That you could dig around and find those skins for the PC version.
I think the point he might be making is their exclusivity to the 360. That you could dig around and find those skins for the PC version.
With the lowest of these controllers being around $100, it looks like I won't be getting one. Fucking ridiculous.
Just checked and I only have the $7.99 and $11.99 options. I think I'll just stick with the Standard Plan.
I had the feels when I played The Last of Us. The FEELS!!
I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks it's overrated. I've tried getting into it and that play-style is just not for me. It just puts me to sleep. And I'm not a bro-shooter type. I do like some RPGs and such. Just not point and click Monkey Island style'ish...
I wish I had an area to do woodwork :P I'm not saying I could make something as nice as that, but I'd try!
Mine was pretty dead-on. You wouldn't think there's much difference between Mississippi and Alabama, but I was raised in Alabama for most of my life and have lived in Mississippi for almost 20 years and it even got the specific area of Alabama (Mobile area).
I'm waiting on the PS4 edition.
I think I'll actually pick this one up. Looks like it'll be great.
From the makers of Mutant Blobs Attack. Also a fun platformer.
That's understandable.
These are the rules that have been set forth.
Yeah, it seemed like everything pointed to a beta in early 2014 (Jan/Feb) and release in Spring... say before June? Wow, my dreams are crushed! I can be patient and wait for it to be released when the time is right.
When they say so. Which might be never. Suck it up and get a console, Master Race.
I've been looking out for a PS4 for a friend and I've yet to see one in a couple of weeks.
I'm 41 and have had something between a goatee and a beard since '94. I hate shaving. I shave my head though, but just use a beard trimmer and it gets close enough.
$655 - PS4 bundle with BF4 and a year of PS+, Killzone:Shadow Fall & Knack. Traded in Killzone this past Friday and picked up Assassin's Creed:Black Flag. Used my $10 PSN credit and put it towards Trine 2. Picked up Tearaway for the Vita.
I've been using protopage.com. I like its RSS feeds and bookmarks. That's pretty much all I need.
Why not play both PC and consoles? They all have their reasons. Consoles have exclusives that I can't get on the PC and sometimes doing some couch co-op is a ton of fun. Then there are experiences I can get on the PC that just don't compare to the console. Mainly MMOs. Sure, there are some you can play on consoles,…
user01 was eaten by dingos.