
It almost made me want a Palm Pre back in the day.

Oh yeah, they are way too sue-happy.

It looks more like Windows Phone to me. What's wrong with taking the good bits and putting it in your OS? A friend of mine showed me how he kills apps on Windows Phone and it iOS7's is nearly identical.

I'm using the gold master edition and the phone does have quick access to turn off bluetooth, wifi and such on iOS7. Just swipe up. But yeah, I agree with your other points. I'd like that bar at the bottom to be more transparent or something.

It's different in the sense that you can put a disc in and the game will work and most of the time you don't even have to install a game. Plus, some people just like to play console games. What's wrong with that? I like my exclusives... inFamous, Uncharted, Little Big Planet, Last of Us and MotorStorm (didn't care too

Yeah, I ran into that a few times and it got frustrating, but I always seem to run into that situation on the FPSs that I play. The single player element sounds like it'd be fun to play through though.

I played in the open beta they had right before release, but it was multiplayer only and my FPS skills are pretty sad these days, but it was still a lot of fun even compared to some of the full-blown console FPS games. I'm going to wait to pick it up though. With Diablo3 last week and GTAV next week, my gaming time is

I bought mine at launch and I've only been hearing about screen burn-in in the last few weeks. No problems with mine at all. It's a feckin gorgeous screen. I'd be sure to at least get the 8GB or 16GB card.

Gotcha, it may depend on the image as well. I'm using a picture of some open water. In the up/down motion you can see the horizon move just fine, but the side to side isn't so hot.

Nevermind, I see the motion now. It's so minimal compared to how they demonstrated it :P Stoopid.

No problems here. Are you using 7zip? I'd try downloading the file again.

Yes, unless it's backed up to iCloud or if the music was bought through iTunes, you can restore music purchases in the app.

Also of note, I upgraded to iOS7 on an iPhone 5. Not having any problems and the iCloud restore is working just fine. I've read that parallax isn't available for the 4 and below. I'll reboot in the morning. Not really a big deal.

I bought a cheap car detailing kit for like $7 at AutoZone. It has a brush, vent cleaner and another small rod with a tapered rubber end to get in crevices. Works awesome on controllers.

So where's the parallax effect? I figured it'd be a default, but it doesn't seem to be enabled and the only setting I can find is to reduce motion under accessibility and it was already turned off. Anybody else messing around with the settings?

Right click, 7zip should be in the drop down, go there and extract to here or choose any of the extract choices for the dmg file, then inside of that look for the largest file. I think it had an HS extension, right click and do the same. Inside of that is your IPSW.

The CDMA is also for Verizon phones. A1429

I'm mainly a PC gamer when it comes to FPSs but BF3 felt like a clusterfuck with the way they handled the browsing for games through your... browser (IE, FireFox, Chrome). Even though I had fun playing, it felt half-assed. I'm getting BF4 with the PS4.

Bike Baron is a pretty cool similar game, but it's $.99. Still totally worth it to me.

I'll try the Deep Down combo when it comes out. Can I get some mac & cheese with that?