
I'm waffling on whether or not to get the PS4, but I'm keeping my pre-order (since E3) up until the last minute. I definitely want to play Destiny on the PS4, but the only date for it is 2014 and that could be a year from now. I think Knack looks pretty cool and a few others, but nothing that's making me feel like I

Baldur's Gate:Dark Alliance and Champions of Norrath made it work really well. Had some awesome times on those games back in the PS2 days.

On the media bar or whatever it's called, there's one labeled games, go to it, play your game. Not really a shit ton to go through to play a game on a disc. It's been about a year and 10 months since I've had a 360 so I can't say anything about the current interface. I just remember it being a clusterfuck of ads right

One of the reasons why I don't miss my 360. The PS3 has been pretty subtle with any kind of advertising in the main UI.

Exactly, like if I'm having a good kill streak on Killzone for instance, I'd like to be able to upload that to YouTube and share with some friends. There's a difference between saying "I KILLED ALL DA NUBZ!" and actually showing my mediocre skillz ;)

I'd like to see this in an XL version. Hopefully we will later down the road.

Look what I have made!

Is Journey considered indie? If not, then I like both Guacamelee and Mutant Blobs Attack.

Started a new character on Skyrim. All stealth, light armor and bows and a bit of magic instead of sword, shield, heavy armor and a bit of magic. It feels all new again. Also playing the beta for Killzone:Mercenary on the Vita. Probably the best looking Vita game out there. Too bad I suck at shooters. With GTAV coming

Make an open world Portal game where people can build their own levels. It's defined by a certain size and each of these areas connect to the next person's and so on.

Witcher 1 & 2 are on sale on Steam for %75 off.

The graphics don't look like they're from 2005... kidding, sort of :\

Oh yeah, my bad. I had meant B2P.

Exactly the opposite... I give up. You win. You are like sandpaper to the eye.

Says the person that comes in and shits on peoples opinions. People like you make the interwebz a miserable place to visit.

Hey, that's just your opinion which is complete and total shit. Fuck you, asshole. I leveled an engineer up to 80 and played for around three months. I go back every once in awhile to check out all of the FREE content they add about once a month.

I think GW2 is the best example of F2P at the moment. Wish more companies would follow their example.

One of the guys I work with bikes it just about everyday. He always brings in a change of clothes.

lol, yeah, I moved from Biloxi, MS to Memphis and thought the summer in Memphis was tolerable. I was walking around in the middle of July and felt fine.

I don't have cable tv or satellite. But the XB1 features sound nice if I did. Still going with the PS4. Mainly because that's what my friends said they're going with. I may pick up the XB1 later down the road though.