
It's a movie? Alright.

You can't know that. You don't know me, and you'll never be 100% sure. I said I'll stop, and I always do what I say.

Debatible, but whatever. If I stop "trolling" (I wasn't), will you unblock me?

Are you honestly saying to me that kind of people don't exist? The kind of people that feel superior to everyone else?

Them being men, by the way.

Trolling? What is that? How many times do I have to say it? I was saying what I think. Which in other words, could be something along the lines of this: Don't give a damn about feminazis, a group of women that only cares about their rights and nothing more, and feel superior to them. Just keep doing what you think is

There is a difference between offended, and upset. Plus, since I couldn't post, I had to do a quick search in order to reply. I was also indirectly asking you to unblock me.


You got it all wrong. I am not offended in the slightest. People who were talking to me on the other hand…
It seems like I doubleposted. Don't know why that happened.

How dare you blocking me for saying what I think? I knew internet is a
where only the politically correct lambs are allowed to speak. Others that have a different opinion just should shut up and die, right? Do I
have to repeat myself again? If you're not a feminazi, you shouldn't
get offended. PERIOD. Also, I

Mute movies. They were the best. Not anymore though.

Pet Shop Boys?