
Her plan is terrible, and I know the show makes that clear, but it was too nonsensical for me.

Same. I'm nowhere near finished with F4, and I'm a one game at a time kind of dude.

So…wait a while and get it cheaper. Got it.

Mmmmmm…Invisible Cola…

'Junky' packages…

Hey, it worked for the Spider-Man reboot…Wait.

Whatever sells the lunchboxes I guess.

And hide his face too. Could have been anybody.


(deep breath)

Zap! Zap!

People give Marvel grief for having underdeveloped villains, and some of that is justified. I still don't know what that goofball in Thor 2 wanted.

You're not wrong, but we'll see. Maybe a sonic something-or-other - something he could use against Doomsday too.

So they fight for a bit, then team-up. Pretty classic actually.

Ever play Rock Band? You can sing the lyrics to 'Eat It' when 'Beat It' plays and the game doesn't seem to care. All about tone I guess.

I was not at all aware. ty - I need to try this

ty much for the advice, but I prefer solo gaming. My last three games were Dragon Age: Inquisition, Witcher 3, and now Fallout 4. I have to deal with people enough in the real world.

Nice. Maybe someday. Right now I'm losing enough sleep to Fallout 4.

You're not wrong. He was overshadowed. They're not good movies. I mean, they have their pleasures, but they're not good. But I really like how Freeman played it.

I love chopped liver.