
This game looks gorgeous, and right up my alley thematically, but I've convinced myself it's just too hard for me. Kids, job, etc - my game time is limited. I like to spend it making progress, not beating my head against a well. But I do appreciate the art and warped beauty of this world.

All good choices, but special props to Martin Freeman, who played the first Hobbit I found at all relatable.

And Weird Al's 'Addicted to Spuds' helped define my sexless high school years.

Much of this movie is fucked up. I think of this film and Super 8 and suddenly I'm not so excited for Force Awakens.

Best film I've seen in years.

Does this mean that 48 fps is dead?

These films are not without their pleasures (Smaug is damn cool, and Martin Freeman was the first Hobbit I found relatable) but they're bloated, and lack the soul of the original LotR trilogy.

OK. I think they've pushed this nonsense as far as they can.

There's only one Khan, and he runs Fantasy Island.

And he could pull off blue skin and red eyes.

Cumberbatch would have been an amazing Thrawn.

This was the game that reminded me (after the dreadful prequels) that I do like SW, so long as Lucas isn't involved.

She is the only Shepard.

You're selling the good powers short. There's a buff power (I forget the name) that makes your party stronger and faster. Cast that on the dual-wielding wookie, then assume control of the wookie and you're an unstoppable whirlwind of death. Good times.

This is just backlash backlash. The prequels are terrible and boring. I'm not even that into SW (my childhood wasn't raped and/or ruined) - the prequels are just bad, bad films.

I can think of two reasons.

'You're off YOUR case!'

I've only played AC 2 and Black Flag and really enjoyed them, so I'm not yet sick of the series. This looks cool. But…

Battleborn - feh - just make Borderlands 3 please.

Why move Snart to the meta-human prison? Without that gun, he's just a regular dude, right?