
Oh the 90's…

It's not us. Foreign markets eat this shit up. Explosions translate very well.

I want to meet his Mama Bears.

'I was in Junior High dickhead!"


And I'm dying to see it. And Agent 355. And Hero. And the Amazons. And I know what I'm re-reading this week.

Don't wuss out on the freaky dominatrix / life-affirmation storyline FX!

Rocky is going to train another boxer?

Oh Grrrr..Someone's feeling catty. Me-ow!

Well, he passed on The Matrix and The Lord of the Rings because he didn't understand them, then agreed to League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. You may be on to something.

Think you're confused now? Try watching the film.

Isn't the fact that it's lopsided the very thing that makes it dramatically interesting?

These are usaully quite funny, and this was no exception.

Oh man. Am I starting to age out of AV Club coverage?

Let me confirm the obvious, and, taking in the writer's point about silence here…

It depends. When there's melee involved, I prefer 3rd. I can't imagine trying to play the Arkham games in 1st person.

Special credit to the sound design - the car engines, the punches and kicks, the howling wind - everything sounds amazing.

"Can you hang bricks from your nipples?

Spoiler alert: they all die.

The Alien should remain…I want to use just the right word here…alien.