
Seems like Morgan Freeman will say yes to anything.

OK - this getting deep and nerdy but here goes. Cap lost his parents before he became a superhero. (There was a funeral flashback in Winter Soldier - I'm going off the movies here. You seem to know comics more than me.)

Agreed. But she got a very cool funeral.

Superman, Batman and Robin, Flash, Iron Man, Captain America, Spider-Man - just a few with at least one dead parent.

Not just Disney - look at Harry Potter. Or Superheroes. Have many superheroes have two living parents?

Does Black Panther have powers or is he just a Batman type who's just well trained and blah blah blah?

And now I have to watch Goodfellas this weekend. Thanks AV Club.

I hope Moondragon joins the GotG. Great name, cool character. Just give her some clothes.

Maybe Thanos will use the time stone to speed up the coming of Ragnarok in Thor 3. Just spit-balling here.

I bet we'll see the soul stone in Dr. Strange. The time stone? Who knows. Time travel always makes for a big mess

Wasn't he the hacker biker?

Emote like a shark? But they have black eyes, like a doll's eyes, they don't even seem to be livin'…

Great movie!

"Everything is worth what the buyer will pay for it." That was the quote you heard in Civilization IV when you researched currency, or economics.

Doomsday sucks. Just a spiky Hulk. Besides, being pummeled to death is not a worthy death for an icon like Superman.

Poor Hawkeye. He's brought on to the Bourne franchise and the Mission: Impossible franchise as a possible replacement for the lead, and both times audiences say "No thanks."

Gotta agree man. They did the impossible - a good trilogy. Even Coppola couldn't pull that off. Don't mess with it.

The reviews were hit or miss, but I liked the comments/discussion.

I love this show. Just why did the AV club stop reviewing it?

Everyone gives Liefeld shit, and deservedly so, but the fans are to blame here too. He was a huge star.