@whatznext28: @Nell_fersher: What Nell said. Aside from the massive costs, and the disrespect to those who have died, the ship would probably just crumble. It's 2 miles below the surface. Just really don't think it would be possible.
@whatznext28: @Nell_fersher: What Nell said. Aside from the massive costs, and the disrespect to those who have died, the ship would probably just crumble. It's 2 miles below the surface. Just really don't think it would be possible.
Still waiting for the damn price drop on the "regular" version.
@chuckrich81: Like a bright blinking beacon on all criminals hah.
He could at least use some of that money to get a haircut.
@m4ximusprim3: Thank you, but the end comment wasn't needed. I did "RTFA" but I guess I missed that part. Relax.
So these are apps that he has developed??
@lionelbob: That FX is full of sh*t, man.
@voltron80: I hear that. Can only be patient for so long!
@civicrcr: This can be done in Photoshop, or most other photo editing programs. If not, you should be able to fine websites online that can do it for you.
@. . . . Xterm11: No, I understand that it was Apple and it was their reasoning. But if someone is "confused" by their volume button taking pictures when the camera is up, then the user is an idiot. It is not Apple's fault or the developer. And you can even turn off this feature on the app so everyone can be happy.…
"potentially resulting in user confusion"
2 beers? Are you sure they weren't Shirley Temples?
Wear do you pour in the rejuvenation potion?
So you end up covering the entire phone and make it look like a hard drive? And I can't imagine the metal around the ear piece and protruding sides being too comfortable while on a call. That's assuming you could even make one to begin with.
Great. So this, and $4 will get you a cup of coffee.
Wow. This is one of the best space pictures Giz has posted. So awesome.
What if people wrap their iPhones in black turtlenecks?
@EnemaBagJones: I hate student loans. Oh boy do I hate them. Does that damn balance ever move??
@ZachMatthews: Don't think so. Just the Bold 9650 on Verizon.
It actually doesn't look too bad when it's closed. But I just think the portrait slide out keyboard looks ugly and makes the phone look too long. And 188ppi? Really?