WHEN will it be out for the Incredible??
WHEN will it be out for the Incredible??
That's what she said.
@rathat: And Jeff Goldblum totally getting interrupted while taking a crap.
Good luck, Mark.
@samuelbowker: Dude hasn't been out of his parent's basement for the last 3 years creating this.
Still waiting for Diablo III
@rathat: Remember what happened last time?
@pupaboy3: And 3 hookers.
@my name is jonas: Unlimited text, talk, and veb!
@Batman: You missed the joke.
@DJKGinHD: I invented the piano key neck tie. What has he done?? Nothing! NOTHING!!!
Last night, Darth Vader came down from planet Vulcan and told me that if I didn't take Lorraine out that he'd melt my brain.
@shufflemoomin: Alright, then gimme a Tab.
@maythetechbewithyou: Kinda looks like basil. I have been seeing basil coming up a lot on drink menus. Would offset a sweet or fruit liquor. So I'm not really sure what the drink is.
@maythetechbewithyou: Except that leaf in the middle looks nothing like mint.
@metronome49: @Faxmonkey: That doesn't even look like mint, so I don't think it's either.
@Xander: Not really too exciting on Google Maps but here it is.
A "cute" needle is still a needle none-the-less.
@I Party With Smoot: hahah ohhhh man.
So you'll have to buy yet another player just so it can read higher storage discs. It doesn't say anything about resolution changing. Besides, Ultra HD isn't going to be around for many years.