Indiscriminate Dumb Baby

Some of us don’t have the luxury of ignoring people who come to our campuses to encourage hate crimes against us. I’m queer and I can NOT sit silent while these people come to my campus and encourage bigots to bully us. Your privilege is showing if you think the right thing to do is just go about your business. Maybe

It's not about blaming anybody. It's about interrogating a system that is harmful to all people of all genders. This isn't about blame. It's about dismantling patriarchy.

Hahahahaha. Nice try, troll.

We're not anti-vegan. It's just that, um, UNCLE BEN'S RICE IS VEGAN.

Please, by all means, show your face in here again and explain exactly what the fuck you could possibly mean by your completely stupid comment.

Okay, everyone. PLEASE, pretty f-ing please, ignore the hideous, bitter, worthless, woman-hating troll named duncanroy. KEEP THAT DISGUSTING MISOGYNIST PRICK IN THE GREYS.

You claim that you are a regular on Jezebel? I'm sorry, but no.

Also, Damon, you complete MORON: the whole point of being FIRED is that it is something your employers can DO TO YOU, at any time, WITHOUT YOUR INPUT OR SAY. Like — duh — you think if I say, "I won't let you fire me!" I'm gonna keep my job?

Um, Damon, you fucking troll.

You forgot to mention homophobic — with all the "aids" references in that rant of his.

"I want to see everyone succeed at the next couple parties."

But the ACA means that — if you are part-time, or unemployed, or whatever — you will receive subsidies that allow you to afford healthcare. So even if your employer is a dick and tries to play the part-time game, you can still afford healthcare from the health insurance marketplace. So, yes, the ACA will fix this.

If you are suggesting that individual waiters/waitresses will "opt for the tax penalty" instead of getting healthcare — you're wrong. (It was a little unclear whether "opt for the tax penalty" referred to individuals or the restaurants themselves.) Here is why you are wrong: If a person cannot afford a policy, then it

Ahh, yes. "Trickle-down" prosperity. Right.

How dare you.

Kill yourself, you rapist fuck.

Ariel Castro? Is that you?

Um, um, um, unfortunately, it's not true that Trayvon's family could sue in civil court. "Stand Your Ground" has provisions that protect "ground standers" like Zimmercoward from civil liability.

But one question I have is, why are you posting this long-winded personal-story "question" here?

Thank you for pointing this out! It is SO absolutely disrespectful to say "Obama." He is our president. President Obama. I really think the blatant disrespect is a covert race thing. No president has ever been so disrespected. It's awful.