
God, it must be SO HARD to be judged by your appearance and clothing choices instead of your skills and work ethic. HOW TERRIBLE.

I have such mixed feelings on this. The title, plus the forcible “unmasking” oneself in front of a camera plus giant audience as malformed or somehow visibly “disabled” strikes me as grossly unjust and taking advantage of those who have had no taste of advantages. But as someone with a rare chronic medical disability

can we build the Flamingo a memorial? we can pay for it by selling punches to this guy. $5 face, $10 groin, etc. Invite the kids! Good family fun!

Starred for the effort, results, and all the sarcasm that actually did inform me. Thanks.

The drawings are called “pins”. You can think of them as brooches, for millennials! You can place them onto whatever you like.