Jerrica Indigo

Many Americans are hateful bigots anyway, and the vast MAJORITY of Americans value convenience and individual “freedom” far above “doing the right thing for sake of others”. Put those factors together, and chances are we’ll NEVER be fully rid of COVID19. And I mean EVER. It’ll be just like the annual flu, but worse

During a pandemic, Personal Health *IS* Public Health

White People, LOL

Exactly! You took the damn words outta my mouth.

Trump is gonna get a 2nd term. Possibly a third. These are unprecedented times, and never underestimate the tenacity of cult members to prop up their cult leader.

This country is BADLY in need of justice-leaning vigilantes. In an ideal world, within 7 days this ammosexual bastard would be found in the bushes, trigger fingers chopped off, eyes glued shut, and his gun shoved completely up his rectum.

“ one has been charged with a crime in Arbery’s death.”

Marriage is obsolete.



I bet most of those people protesting, really don’t need lawn fertilizer, and have never stepped foot at the beach. This is all just contrarianism for sake of trolling (or boredom). Except this time it risks peoples lives, not just theirs. We all wish it was just THEIR lives at stake, that would be WONDERFUL.

Wanna bet that they secretly get re-accepted back to same school, or a different school? Wanna bet that they STILL end up (somehow) getting good jobs (at some Nazi-sympathizer-run company, probably), and facing no more consequences? That’s the thing about #WhitePrivilege... even reputation-ending actions like this are

All art is subjective. Also: One man’s meat is another man’s poison.

God has a sense of humor, apparently

Not gonna happen. Not even when our sun becomes a red giant. Same with student loans, collection agency accounts, and some gym membership contracts.

I never got rid of my Blu-rays :) My husband and I are set!

My only question is... why was it a “difficult” decision?

Different people like different things.

I came twice.

I doubt that Bernie Sanders - or Joe Biden - would order the creation of concentration camps, separating TODDLERS from their parents. Or refuse to denounce the KKK, or murderous and hateful White Supremacists (“they are fine people”). Or pay off his sex-worker mistresses (indirectly) with taxpayer dollars. Or waste