Space is too big. Meteors are taking too long...
Space is too big. Meteors are taking too long...
Would be nice.
I understood that reference.
[...Islamic terrorist music intensifies...]
It’s Chinese people. They don’t respond to this sort of logic.
Someone’s been watching “Zebra Force”...
I am just surprised this shit doesn’t happen more often.
You guys need to understand that marriage is obsolete. This scam needs to die. Kill it, if you must.
Is... is this woman half-horse? 😦
This is a very American conversation, and it kinda angers me. Lemme show you some kids who would eat ANYTHING you put in front of them 👇🏾
Puritans and fuckin’ Evangelicals, that’s why.
You sound so misinformed, it’s quite laughable disturbing.
The way y’all are tearing into this woman (imperfect and human as she is), is a great reminder of the fact that this otherwise great country is not ready for a female president.
Don’t be too quick to condemn. You don’t know what the person has been through.
Dude’s dad is also his aunt, and you know it
If I can’t point my gun at a baby, why are we even saying we have Freedom in this country? What’s the point of even living anymore?
“Excellent driving” still does not equate to “safe”.
If you married your bro, you guys might have saved even MORE money not having to pay for kids, wedding, divorce, etc 😁
Reminder: MARRIAGE IS OBSOLETE. This is why all this shit is happening. We need to let the institution die, and come up with something else (IF we need to). Just let “marriage” die already.