She must be one heck of a lady to have this many people come up with the idea, figure it all out, practice it and show up to perform for her. What a wonderful tribute to someone who is so deeply loved.
She must be one heck of a lady to have this many people come up with the idea, figure it all out, practice it and show up to perform for her. What a wonderful tribute to someone who is so deeply loved.
Whoa, that's WAY worse than the video. Yikes.
HER SHOES AREN'T EVEN BROKEN IN. For some reason (even though this is a commercial based on aesthetics) that really bothered me.
Yep. I was ready to give her the benefit of the doubt. But her knees are turned in on her pique turns, and her feet are almost flat when they should be dagger-pointed. I haven't taken ballet in 20 years, and when I did I had what my teacher called "back line feet" (shaped funny). But damn if they weren't always…
I'm not a ballet dancer either (I practice ballroom) but I've seen ballet dancers enough around the studio to know when someone's a dancer and when they're just a model doing ballet-ish things with their arms. It seems like the company is saying that it doesn't matter if you know what you're doing or talking about as…
Absolutely. Watching this ad is painful.
At first I was willing to believe she was marking the steps. But then when she started dancing in pointe shoes I could no longer explain away the bad technique.
I thought the gold standard, no pun intended, was Gilda Radner. Crap, I'm an old.
my god, YES!
I walk uphill in the snow both ways to Costco.
fyck I'm so hungry now
I have the same problem here in Kansas. I moved back five years ago, and my migraines have been way worse since I've been back. For me it's a barometric pressure thing. The 50-70 degree temperature swings don't help either. Boo for having four seasons in a 24-hour span! I have no advice or help, but I do commiserate.
Yes! I'm really sensitive to pressure changes, and whenever there's a rain storm that moves in, I sleep. It just knocks me out. I moved to Seattle this past year and it's happening so frequently I'm wondering if I should be looking into a supplement or something.
That is one of my favorite meals ever. I put thyme in the chicken too. Get out of my head.
I think it has something to do with it. A lot of people give up so much of their lives for their children, often times including friends and or career. That is a lot of pressure on one thing. I have to imagine the parents who take a break and try to hold on to their pre-kid lives a little more are more fulfilled and…
I wonder about this too. There were massive expanses of time during the day where i'd put on shoes and not be home till the street lights were on. I'm sure my parents (who worked from home) LOVED it.
That's really perceptive. Mothers today don't have the social/familial support networks they did in the generations before us.
Yeah, I doubt it. I'm more picturing these parents as ignoring their kids to watch TV, nap, or sit on Facebook, but that's probably more personal experience than anything.