Inigo Montoya

She is the best - then, now, whenever.

Oh, FFS. She looks like she has an alien egg sac on her in that picture. Quit being such a princess and put a damn shirt on.

If Oprah is the Eye of Sauron, does that mean Lindsay is Gollum? And Vodka is her "Precious"?

can we talk about the bodies of 18 y/o dancers for a moment? And how I want to pour bbq sauce on them.

Oh Adele Dazeem, how I love thee.

A kinda gross PSA: Don't use it unwrapped/directly on your period. I could NEVER get that out, no matter how hard I scrubbed. Of course I used it for like 40 minutes at a time so it was probably burned on. Evidently, after almost two years of use, I eventually ran the motor out and it legit started sounding like a

I think people have. You know all those obnoxious studies about how having fat friends makes you fat?

Was hoping for a twist ending.

Well, strong emotions are totes manly. And strong. And admirably manly. He's just standing up for himself. She apparently can't handle it and is sobbing in the crapper...

This is absolutely true. It's overwhelmingly men in the editor positions, in the investigative reporting slots and who get promoted. It's not that there aren't women in the business, there are. It's just that men promote men and the women promote men.

Here's me, sitting on the bus. Here's the students, standing directly in front of me.

My husband told me the other day that he has started seeing guys substitute tights for pants, too. We are both praying for the return of the codpiece if that catches on.

If you can see up it, down it or through it...NO.

The dress code should include that. Also, no pants that are translucent. If they get sheer over the butt, that's a no.

Definitely isn't fake. I know the person who wrote this.

Every week is Rufus Wainwright week! I just saw him live this thursday. :-)

I've seen Rufus Wainwright live several times at the Mann Center in Philly, plus once with his sister, Martha! Every time, it has been exceptional and I fully support a Rufus week! Yes!

I saw him do Judy at Carnegie too. It was such a standout experience.

I completely understand! While I think this is super adorable, I feel bad that they're in captivity.