There is the possibility of an audible mistake, and there is the possibility that we aren’t believing something childish that Trump forgot and cannot admit.
There is the possibility of an audible mistake, and there is the possibility that we aren’t believing something childish that Trump forgot and cannot admit.
What’s wrong with “10 years ago” when you’re OK latching onto something Northam did 35 years ago, bro? SMDH.
tucker dresses like a 30 year old former fraternity president who still parties at the frat house
He is simply incapable of admitting a mistake no matter how small or inconsequential.
As someone who voted for Northam, yes, I want him out of office and I believe he and his wife continue to act like buffoons.
Is Governor Klansman Ralph Northam?
I really hope they make a special exception and let the Trumps use Twitter when they are in prison. I will be tweeting at them on a daily basis
FILED TO: Well, Yeah...
It’s because he truly has zero friends, probably never ever had one.
His inability to take a joke, or laugh at himself, is what makes his lying so infuriating. Who would lie about SUCH a stupid thing? Somebody who can’t even laugh at his own flub.
The cover-up is always worse than the crime...and this is the dumbest cover-up of the month (thus far).
Why can’t he just admit that he misspoke? He probably meant to say “Tim Cook of Apple” and it came out “Tim Apple.” That’s not even that bad compared to most of the things Trump says! He was thinking ahead and skipped a few words. Shit, I do that on a weekly basis! It’s kind of dumb that it’s a story at all but him…
Even better! Webb was 5’7” she was only 5’5” at best.
You knew the female Spud Webb in college, cool!
Pathological lying is really fascinating.
It’s just remarkable. He’ll lie about absolutely anything, even when there’s irrefutable proof that he’s lying.
So then I was right when I heard No shit, there’s collusion! every time the lying press reported he said, “NO COLLUSION!”
Lying for the sake of lying. How much longer does this have to go on?
It’s okay. Donnie is casually known as “Donnie Stupid Sack of Shit Fuckface” by all those around him.