Mrs. Thom Yorke

Dont we remember that this daughterfucker would eat the paper that notes were kept on? He's a fucking child, and shame on every official, every journalist, everyone for treating him as anything but. 

Me neither, but I will be after I get back from the liquor store.

We already knew the meetings themselves were secret; that was reported when they took place.  I’m glad that investigations were opened as that’s how this behavior ought to be treated--but wake me up when they find something we can oust him with.  

It, also, feels like the GOP and their supporters are a suicide cult, so I’m getting more and more concerned about what the ultimate outcome will be.

Consider this: if a Hollywood writer pitched a movie in which the President of the United States was acting on behalf of the Russian government to Nicolas Cage, Nicolas Cage would turn down the role because the premise was too absurd.

Is it just me or do recent Russia/Mueller- related news items feel like end game/”smoking gun” stuff? Like the Manafort (not) redacted item...I read that and I was like...wait this is literally collusion. Right here in front of me. Not seeming like collusion, not circumstances that we all know are collusion, not

Yeah, I guess treason courts treason.

“Just curious as to what the appeal of this man is to you.”

I agree, but how much of “cutting off your own nose to spite your face” can they take? I think that history will understand that they have done to the U.S. what what the Soviet Union could not: destroy the United States government. Trump’s administration is Putin winning Cold War II. I just hope that the next

You have to remember that the 2016 election was about racism and misogyny. American had a black president for 8 years, that means 8 freaking years of white rage stewing, bubbling, and boiling. We had a female democratic presidential candidate that was very qualified and intelligent that scared the ever-loving shit out

A true conservative should hate what the Republicans have become, but maybe they like to save money on taxes more? Of course this probably can’t last and will really hurt people in the end, because Verizon or whomever isn’t gonna dole out the billions they saved. I feel like somewhere along the conservative just


“The ‘core’ problem is that we have a president without shame who is backed by a party without spine that is supported by a network without integrity,”- Thomas Friedman, NYT, Friday

This is a no lose presidency for Putin. Option A: a deeply compromised idiot doing what he’s told. Or B: A deeply compromised idiot putting a stick in the spokes of government, making us lose face internationally, and keeping the rabble hypnotized with Twitter foolishness. Better than the H bomb! 

Utterly baffled by this story, and why it’s news at all. Anyone with half a brain, even of they were in the “We Hate Hillary” cadre of the FBI, would have noticed by then that something very off indeed was going on. Hell, I thought he was bought and paid for the week he demanded that platform change in the

The most “fun” thing about all of this is that at the start of the investigation, the FBI wasn’t sure if he was conspiring with Russia, somehow compromised, or simply incompetent.

Former U.S. Attorney Harry Litman called the revelation “mind-blowing,” adding that it would be the “political scandal of all time,”

I really think it comes down to whether they had an adult in their life who loved them as a child more than they loved them as a money-making machine. I don’t think Lindsay did. 

Whatever she did broke her face. She seems to have a permanent sneer now and that’s a shame. I didn’t even realize she had turned 50.

I thought the classic arc of a Hollywood tragedy was to be well loved, be tortured for a little bit, and then burn out dramatically. It gives people time to be sad while the memory of you in your prime is still fresh.