For real, can this lunatic just drop dead already?? Go back to selling fried onions or whatever. Or hey, maybe be a parent to the actual baby you already have?! Nick Loeb sucks and is an abusive shitstain.
For real, can this lunatic just drop dead already?? Go back to selling fried onions or whatever. Or hey, maybe be a parent to the actual baby you already have?! Nick Loeb sucks and is an abusive shitstain.
Let’s put it this way: several Senators who were shot in the assault on their softball game, redoubled their support for their misinterpretation of the Second Amendment. They doubled down on their support of the rights of people like the person who shot them to own military-style weapons.
Click the helpfully provided link and answer your own query. The article lists the events it’s discussing, you can decide if each should be classified as school shooting or something else, like unauthorize lead distribution.
Kim apparently has three nannies, but there’s plenty to suggest that she’s an involved loving mother. She’s a working parent of means with a frequently absent husband and three children under age 5. I wouldn’t begrudge her help. And whatever labor she is putting in, I’d feel almost certain that Kanye’s putting forth…
Exactly. And I know they have help, but Kim seems to be an involved mother and likes being with her kids. If she’s happy with three, then he should be respectful of that. No one should be forced to have more kids than they can emotionally handle.
I can totally picture Kanye believing that surrogacy is an easy process, like going to the baby store drive-thru window or something, with no other consideration of the impact to Kim or even his other kids. Plus, he’s not bound by the financial constrictions that would prevent the average person from repeating this…
This is my question too. He may think that since they can use a surrogate, they should have as many as he wants without considering that this process still involves a lot of physical and emotional labor on Kim’s part to get that many more embryos.
Like how Emmett Till’s mother insisted on an open casket so the world could see what they’d done to her child.
Dude needs some major therapy STAT. I was exhausted dealing with someone with addiction issues, I cannot imagine dealing with someone with mental issues that brags about not getting help for it. And then to add kids to the situation and his “harassing” her to have more? RUN. I can’t stand that family, but none of that…
A husband who cares even a little about his wife won’t harass her to get pregnant if she went through everything Kim K went through. True, some women go through with pregnancy, even when they know it might be horrible and or dangerous, but she doesn’t want to! Respect her no!
I hear you. My son was a sophomore, living in the dorm, when they were talking about allowing concealed carry on campus. Kids who are away from home for the first time, they’re homesick, they haven’t found a place at college, they are stressed about academics, they are exposed to binge drinking and drugs, they are…
Yup. My youngest step-son graduated HS in 2017, and all I could feel was relief. He’s the kind of kid who’d go to bat for anybody, and who would try to talk anyone out of doing something harmful. So he would’ve been the first guy to stand up if someone pulled a gun.
Anti-choice people picket abortion clinics with pictures of dead fetuses, I don't see why people going into gun shops shouldn't have to see what REAL bullet wounds look like (hint: it's not like on tv). I bet there's quite a bit of overlap between the anti-choice crowd and the pro-gun crowd.
Ugh, this is gut wrenching.
I’ve talked and written about this before. After Sandy Hook, one of the parents described in excruciating detail the physical effects of the shooting on her child, who died. A six year old. I’ll never forget what she described, for as long as I live, because I remember that child’s smiling face in a class picture among…
Imagine being 15 and laying down in front of a gunman to save your classmates. Heck, imagine being a kid and holding your friends’ bleeding head in your hand and having words to encourage her.
This is the last thing any child or parent should have to worry about, with regard to education. I’m so sorry. This should be an exciting transitional time for your kid. I hope they have a happy, safe experience.
When Duckling graduated high school this spring, there was a sense of relief that they were leaving a situation where they could be picked off by an angry gunman at any time.
Welcome to the new normal.