Mrs. Thom Yorke

Didn’t I already tell you to fuck off? I never said they didn’t happen, I said they were RARE. And they are, compared to actual occurrences.

Please, please, please dismiss this rape apologist piece of shit. I am begging you. Please think of rape survivors who have to read his comment.

Please dismiss that shitbag troll.

I’ve never donated to any politician, but I threw $20 to Beto. Can’t wait to ditch Cruz.

I feel like any political thread is fair game to be hijacked by these important messages. Thanks for doing that and all your other work. I have a lot of family and friends in TX and I’ve been harassing them.

I’m going to feel a little like an ass for hijacking political threads all day, but tomorrow is the last day to register to vote in Texas.

But she did it knowing that *A TON* of her fans are conservative and still follow her from her country music days. She risked losing a piece of those supporters by doing this. Lots of money, that type of thing. I think it’s great.

They are pioneers of the prairie. These are tough people whose grandparents were tough and great-grandparents were tough.

Dude, FFS, forest for the trees, you feel me?

Yes. Leave it blank, West Virginia Democrats. This wasn’t a minor vote, this was an act to enable rape and misogyny. We have to be a party of principles... fuck Joe Manchin.

Why are Republicans going to settle for “Republican Lite”? Why are Democrats going to vote for someone who supports a rapist?

And what are they going to do? Not vote for him and lower any chance of the Democrats taking the senate?

An asshole

Who the fuck is Charlie Kirk?

lol...The alt-right nazis must be really mad. Loosing Swift, whom they hold up as Aryan beauty, and getting Kanye instead!!?

literally no one would be complaining that he didn’t do what he needed to do to win if he voted no. i will never understand the obsession neoliberals have with trying to court the mythical undecided centrist six weeks before the election instead of actually getting people with progressive views to see enough optimism

It didn’t mean nothing. As stated in the article, he was up shit creek one way or the other. At least a “no” vote would have put him on the right side of history before he lost his seat; instead he took the coward’s way out.

There’s a lot of “Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good” posts citing Manchin “only” voting with Trump 55% of the time and crying about purity tests.

He’s actually about 45 % better. He voted with Trump about 55 % of the time.

“There really was no way out for Manchin on this.”