Mrs. Thom Yorke

I humbly suggest we draw the line at someone verifiably crossing a boundary and invading someone else’s privacy, by bringing in a camera and filming someone in the restroom for example. Arrest the politician, since she crossed a far bigger line than someone using a stall did.

I’m a woman and don’t care about sharing a bathroom with transgenders. I’m well aware that they are more likely to be victims than attackers. They have to pee and wash their hands; so do I. No big deal!

WE draw the line at not freaking the fuck out because someone needs to pee. You clearly draw a line somewhere else, though.

How many women have been attacked by trans women in a restroom?
What’s that? None? So you’re just an asshole then?

I wouldn’t want a man in the ladies’ restroom. But trans women are women.

If you’re referring to the woman in the picture you annexed, I’d suggest you might want to stop peering under the doors of bathroom stalls (assuming that’s how you’re judging the individual’s gender). It isn’t polite.

It’s fear. People like this guy are just frightened, delicate, little flowers. They need to feel safe from anything and everything that makes them even the slightest bit uncomfortable.

Please explain how white people being uncomfortable with black people using the same restrooms is any different than white people (the only people I’ve seen whining about this) being uncomfortable with trans people using the same bathrooms?

Looks, talks...I’m just saying putting on a wig and a tote bag shouldn’t automatically qualify you to use the women’s bathroom.

And are you a woman? No? Then shut the fuck up about it, you worthless cunt.

Right. I don’t care about this bigot’s rights to be bigoted in public. If she wants to restrict bathroom usage in the privacy of her own home, then she can do so. She’s not the toilet police of LA area Denny’s. That’s you. You obviously care a lot about who pees where. So, you’re the potty police. Get out there and

Just like how some white people were bothered by black people using the same bathrooms as the Real Victims of Racism©™®.

“this clearly doesn’t affect me... some women are bothered by this”

Oh yes, all those rapists who dress up as women with wigs, carry handbags, paint their nails, and generally act like women..... (spoiler alert: they ARE women you bigoted asshole).

It seems to me like you care quite a bit. You obviously care that SOME women are bothered by this. So, you’re the potty police. Get cracking.

I deputize you to police all Denny’s bathrooms. I’ll get you a nice sash with “Toilet Police” on it so that everyone knows you care way too fucking much where people potty.

I dunno, I’m more concerned about the nut job filming people in the bathroom.

Seconded. Always happens. Nobody bats an eye.

Find your bridge, troll.

When I used to go to concerts a lot, you’d always seen a half dozen or more girls in the men’s bathroom because the lines were shorter. If nobody got their panties in a twist over that, then I think the line is “they’re not forcing you to look at their gentiles nor are they trying to look at yours”.