Mrs. Thom Yorke

I sincerely doubt anyone would be able to tell the difference.

Omg yes. K-Ci and Jojo 4-eva!

Agreed. More of a funeral song.

“Father and Daughter” was totally my pick before deciding I was just going to skip marriage and become a cat lady.

What a sad, little man. He thinks he's actually making a difference. Bless his heart. (jk, he can suck a dick)

Ugh. I live in Indiana and all I can say is FUUUUUCK Mike Pence.

Caity Weaver was the sole reason I started reading Gawker. How I miss her so....

I was actually able to read the comments section of my local news station without weeping.

Make America Great Again!!

As a social worker, I second this. I see first-hand people struggling to receive proper healthcare, housing, food to feed their families. Working with the homeless and then driving home to a roof over my head while they have to find a place to sleep on the streets...I don’t think I will ever lose my empathy...which is

You are the one that posted that link, not I. Here is where I got my info on the percentage of gun-related crimes committed by people with mental illness (in the U.S.):

Bullshit?? Really? The study says 5% so it's off by an entire 1%. Which still says that your claim that mental health screenings would ultimately eliminate most gun deaths caused by legal gun owners is completely inaccurate. You don't have to be mentally ill to get pissed off and shoot your significant other.

No. Only 4% of gun homocides are committed by the mentally ill. Gun advocates use mental health as a straw man to deflect attention from guns themselves. I'm not anti-gun but FFS, you should at least be required some training and background checks before being able to purchase a weapon with the sole intention to kill.

THIS. I'm a mental health provider as well and am constantly amazed at the lack of basic coping skills. This should be mandatorily taught to children in school. I think it would have a significant impact on the number of people who turn to self-destructive behaviors when dealing with the shitty aspects of life.

I think it's also important to point out that linking violent crimes to mental illness further stigmatizes the mentally ill. Not to say that mentally ill people don't commit acts of violence, but they are much more likely to be victimized or hurt themselves.

I think it has a lot to do with the stress-vulnerability model. Some people are more vulnerable (genetically, lack of coping skills, etc) and when faced with extreme stress, are more likely to develop mental illness or turn to self-destructive behaviors.

In defense of the mental health profession, some diagnosis are incredibly hard to determine due to so many overlapping symptoms. It takes time and really knowing your patient to narrow it down. Also, unfortunately, there is no golden pill to prescribe since people’s reactions to them vary. It can take years of