This site sucks

This is just weird, period. 

Thank goodness that even though the future in TD2 is bleak, that there is a ray of politically correct sunshine.

This rag will be shut down before then. They just got sold this week.

So wait, you claim the reason it offends you is that you’re a journalist?

We could change Olympic track sports to people who’ve never run before too. That'd be fun. 

Exactly what I was gonna say. Punk Rock became safe for them when they started worrying about only playing “big venues”.

Yeah, I concur. It’s like this is the game’s third trailer in a year and a half. This barely showed anything those others didn’t, and thinking back to GTA V we knew so much about that game by the end of the third trailer

Give us PC dammit!!!!! and not a year later.

Really love Red Dead and I certainly want to play it but I’m not sure that trailer did much for me. Felt a little, “meh.”

Donald loves the pussy and you know it.

Can we keep Retardicans and Demorats out of this GAME review?!

wow, I haven’t heard this taek before on Trump, here. Insightful. /s

*eye roll*

nah. I’m gay. I’m Latino. I’m Liberal. But cool try kid. Go pull that shame bullshit somewhere else if you’re not capable of having an adult discussion.

dismiss me then. Don’t read my stuff. Calling me a troll that does “harm to the community” because you’re too mentally weak to see dissenting opinions is one of the most ridiculous things I’ll read on the internet today. You admitted to trolling me, yet you’re asking for trolls to be banned. Interesting.

Yeah, I’m calling bullshit on that ‘I wasn’t really rooting from anyone.’ We can see your historic posts Lauren!

*You’re insufferable and completely over doing. That’s better.

He’s right though. Your articles invariably come off as self-important and arrogant. Same with the aggressive I’m-trying-hard-to-be-funny videos you make.

I don’t disagree with your opinion. I could never really get into Okami either. It’s just your presentation is very aggressive and cringey.

The irony is that America is full of pussies yet we are so scared to see a real one.

It’s really disappointing how frightened we are of the very existence of pussy in the USA. It’s amazing we are able to get over our disgust of it in order to continue to reproduce.