This site sucks

So the website’s resident tranny doesn’t like how the game portrays real women... I don’t think I really could care any less.

Where are your stories on black people assaulting police officer... Oh I didn’t think so. I use to work as a prison guard, and guess which race were the most disrespectful, racist, and violent. If you said black than you would be right.

My prediction for next year are the strong brave Trannies that fought against Hitler. It’s so sad how libtards can’t just makes stuff, but have to crowbar in PC stereotypes. So so sad.

What a stupid article by an idiot “author”. Yes the stat is important, though just like anything in life it should not be the only gauge that you use to judge something. It’s just a tool.

Good because we hate you!

I bet you would but all over a room full of black and Muslim transgender people you silly liberal.

Good god people grow up. At what age does cursing become interesting. I’m in my mid 30s and don’t really need to hear people cuss. It’s just lazy vocabulary. Learn some new words and stop complaining.

Go fuck yourself libtard

I’m so tired of this crap. Do you know how many times I have been verbally and physically assaulted by black people just because I’m white. I don’t cry about it and try to make it a national story. Some people are just jerks. This applies to ALL races.

OMG snowflake. America is one of the most tolerant countries in the world.

I really hate stupid articles like this. Yes, CEOs make a lot of money. Tons more than the average employee, but they are also responsible for absolutely everything at their company. When anything goes wrong they need to react. Additionally, their salaries are based on profit, unlike the average employee who is either

Rap is the most misogynistic music in the world yet loads of young girls listen to and love it. I will never understand.

I like how this site assumes you have to listen to hip hop to be cool and worth your time. What a fucking joke. Should I discount black people as not cool if they are not into Metallica or Willie Nelson. What a load of RACIST Crap.

I like those. Why can’t we all band together and reject all political figures. I swear we r all being played... hard.

They should do something really cool, and change Carmen to a MAN. Now that would be original.

Oh no not racist emoji, how will we live with ourselves. Good lord, people make fun of each other. Get over IT.

I think by all evidence he likes women, a little too much really. And again Hillary was married to a RAPIST RAPIST RAPIST. But I guess you wanted him back in the white house.

And they say that the left doesn’t exaggerate. God get a safe space.

He’s not great but at least we didn’t get a woman and man hating cunt in the White House.

I love hearing the American hating lefty snowflakes who are already crying bc it’s not the trump hatin simulator they thought it was going to be. Poor little lefty bitches.