Well then. Happy Belated birthday! I got you a mcflurry, but then I ate it. Sorry!
Well then. Happy Belated birthday! I got you a mcflurry, but then I ate it. Sorry!
goodbye communal table, no one really liked you anyway
on the upside, you’ll get plenty of fiber!
*Reads headline*
If they are actually supplying decent quality, basic food items at reasonable prices, this is a great idea. Grocery stores are 60-100,000 sq ft because they are offering all 80 varieties of PB or cheerio alternatives. Often at prices most of us aren’t paying. Really, $8 for 8oz of “natural PB”?
Ian, I agree. I recently got into an argument on social media about using the microwave. He said it’s a tool for lazy people, and those that don’t care about the health of their families. Idiot.
I think the ascendance of snobby foodyism has unjustly maligned the microwave. It might not be ideal for any one thing, but it’s perfectly serviceable for *a lot* of things.
You sir tell a story like no other and gut punch racists all in one fell swoop. Keep it up.
When I think of the time my kid spent in high school, trying to get the grades, SAT scores, community service, clubs, leadership experiences so she could get into a good college and maybe get some scholarship money to help...she never went to sleepovers, she never went to football games, she worked every shift she…
It’s wild to me that they could have apologized and taken a brief hiatus like Felicity Huffman had they just admitted to doing what they did. Instead their reputations are down the toilet (you can’t get more mainstream than Hallmark and Target), they have to do months behind bars, and their kid is gonna know they…
An udderly good idea. The results should be legen-dairy.
The average NYU student is an entitled, whinny brat with an inflated image of themselves. Serving them shitty food is a recipe for trouble and is going to be a PR disaster.
This absolutely true however I will dispute that it’s cuz he thinks Bezos is ripping off the USPS. Trump does not give one rancid orange fart for the USPS. He’s furious cuz Bezos is a legitimate billionaire who actually built an extremely profitable company and he is jealous AF.
Why “elite” universities?
If this is true, it’s a good illustration of how Trump is not able to think several steps ahead.
There are people who come by and spit, yell, stick their hands in people’s food, discharging fecal matter right by where people are trying to eat.