Indiana Jones, PhD

Would I consider a shipping container? Sure. This one? No.

Cargo containers make some sense for stationary houses and commercial buildings, at least in the hands of architects much more clever than myself. Containers are made to be stacked many high and withstand rough handling and storms at sea and so forth. Unfortunately what makes them so tough also makes them very heavy

That’s not a camper. It’s zombie prisoner transport. If you take it on the highway, it will break loose, crack open, and release zombies, triggering the zombie apocalypse.

I believe history will show that Elon Musk is more of a Thomas Edison than a Nikola Tesla.

You can admire how Henry Ford revolutionized the automobile industry while also acknowledging his union busting and war profiteering.

Ahhh, where to begin. Honestly, it mostly comes down to his attitude. And I don’t just mean the guy’s a dick, that’s almost to be expected at the highest level of any sport. Unlike many other sports out there, motorsport in particular puts you in a place that is very dangerous to you and those around you.

Man the 718 isn’t even the prettiest Porsche!

Not as bad as the Lincoln alpahnumerics.  Without looking them up, tell me what vehicles these names go to: MKC, MKS, MKT, MKX, MKZ.  

Are these going to be leveraging Honda & GM’s partnership on GM/LG’s Ultium battery packs & vehicles, or is this independent development with Honda’s Chinese partners GAC & Dongfeng?

It is indeed hilarious how many of those ‘anti-socialism’ states are utterly dependent on socialism to stay afloat. Who do they think pays for the multi-hundred-million dollar paychecks that McNoChin brags about getting for his petty state of Kentucky? Yeah, exactly. Predominantly California and New York. Without

I want Cali to secede; we’re the fifth largest economy in the WORLD…that way we don’t have to bail out the red states.

Truly a timeless design that has aged like a very fine wine. 

Eh. It’s cheap enough that you needn’t be shy about modifying it.

Came here to see if anyone is old enough to remember this similar VW collaboration. I ended up with one of these guitars as well - if I recall, VW had problems getting anyone to buy the actual collaboration car, and had a lot of the guitars left over. I think I knew someone at the dealer who got one for me; but I also

All of that and you couldn’t include a pic of the new logo? What does it take to write for this website. Good lord

Y’all didn’t read the question very carefully, haha. The question is “What car being sold today will be a future collectible?” A V10 M5 (which was last sold new over a decade ago) or an R34 Skyline doesn’t qualify, especially as the latter of which is already a collectible.

Yeah? Who'd ya fuckin vote for?

We have here the crossing of 3 things

I will disagree with you re: C-pillar and sportback styling.