
It’s difficult to know how to approach this kind of narrative. It’s always been “problematic” from a social standpoint (privilege, whiteness, prettiness) and nonetheless true. Maybe it’s a reminder that most forms of public expression are for purposes of entertainment - no matter how perverse - and some realities are

I’m a teen services librarian and we actually do have The Bell Jar in the YA section at my library. This is at least in part due to a huge classics assignment the local high school assigns every year, though, so it’s in company with the likes of Great Expectations, Pride and Prejudice, The Scarlet Letter, The Lottery,

The rule is that one becomes eligible 25 years after their first record release. A few have bounced right in on that anniversary (see: Madonna), but many have had to wait years after they’re technically qualified. Or dead. Or both. (See: Queen). Incidentally, Cyndi Lauper qualified the same year Madonna did, both have

“The WA Administration has been made aware of a recent picture, posted on social media, which demonstrates a posture of morality and cultural acceptance contrary to that of Whitefield Academy’s beliefs

You sent your daughter to private Christian school, that openly displayed and attracted like-minded parents with its intolerance and stupidity.

I’d expect a cat to say that.

See, that right there is a key difference. A cat will at least make sure you’re dead and unable to use the can opener first.

To be fair, dogs will eat you too. In fact, I recall there being a case in France a decade ago or so where a dog ate a woman’s face while she was unconscious.

“Hold our beer.”

Afraid not. The actual physical letter is owned by the recipient. However, the sender of the letter still owns the copyright, unless an agreement says otherwise. The recipient can sell it, donate it, destroy it, etc but he/she would not be able to publish the letter in its entirety without the sender’s consent. Where

None of this explains the demands for affection and heartbroken wailing when I’m in the bathroom or trying to sleep, though. 

You own no copyrights to a letter you write.  If you send it, the recipient is free to do what they want with it.  If I steal it from you and publish it, you may have a case.

Meghan Markle wrote a letter. She owns the copyright to that letter. You telling me that because she’s a royal she forfeits her rights? If so, how did Will & Kate win their lawsuit for those nudes that were published?

I’m assuming I must be your long lost sister.

Toxic narcissist parents are the worst. Having one myself, I feel Meghan’s pain.

Pfft. They ain’t got nothing on our rebellious teenage protests:

It’s really no surprise that some teenage boys love Trump.

“They’re just getting their periods, they’re just getting comfortable with making eye contact with a boy, let alone having any conversations,” one mother said.

That number you just pulled outta your ass is a lot lower and more complicated than you think it is. Gender is not sex, and sex is not nearly as binary as many assume it to be. 

nobody’s asking anyone to change, you adorable sweetheart