I don’t know, but perhaps if Biden and Sanders work together to find a solution and become an example, we might make a little progress.
I don’t know, but perhaps if Biden and Sanders work together to find a solution and become an example, we might make a little progress.
I agree that Biden needs to do the work to gain the support of progressive voters, but I don’t see how more in-fighting within the party will help anyone.
Actual votes are not the same as poll numbers.
The party can be damaged and divided though as things become even more contentious and the in-fighting gets worse. Sometimes I think we forget who the real enemy is, which is exactly what Trump wants.
Sanders would basically need to sweep the remaining states to win enough delegates and the demographics aren’t in his favor, not to mention his support is largely down since 2016. The delegate math is in Biden’s favor, and believe me, it pains me to say that.
There’s no justifiable reason for Sanders to remain in the race knowing what he knows about the nature of his own supporters.
Oh, I agree he could have handled it better. He definitely doesn’t have Obama’s charisma or way of reaching people.
Flights are being cancelled and merged together, so fewer flights means just as crowded planes.
I’m not exactly a Biden fan, but I have no idea how Biden telling off an asshole amounts to “anti-union.” Just because someone happens to be a member of an organization doesn’t mean they get a pass on everything they say or believe just because you support the organization.
Oh, I’m with you. But yeah, my confidence that anything will ever happen is pretty low.
Perhaps, but can you imagine the uproar if a well-liked candidate failed their psych or physical evaluation and was told they couldn’t run? We already have enough conspiracy theories and distrust of the system. I think that would surpass the threshold for tolerance.
I think a series of tests would be much more suspectible to bias or manipulation. We already have an age cap minimum, so it seems like it just makes sense to set a maximum as well.
Spending cap on all elections. Maybe Congress will actually start working instead of spending 80% of their time fundraising.
I’m not sure I’d agree that Trump is in the fittest physical health out of the three (and he’s not exactly transparent about anything), but this election is once again confirmation that we need an age cap.
Thank you! I’m actually doing group pregnancy appointments and one of the appointments will have a lactation consultant, so I’m looking forward to learning something ahead of time. And yes, insurance covers breast pump too! I’m trying to keep my expectations minimal because I know it’s different for everyone.
Thank you!
First of all, I never once mentioned LA County, so I’m not sure why you’re throwing random facts of different counties at me. I live in Alameda County and it was a tax Measure for this county only. But thanks for “explaining” something you obviously know nothing about.
You’re right, it’s just hard not to feel defeated sometimes.
Aw, thank you so much for the tips! I am planning on trying cloth diapering too, so that’s good to know. Also checking out Budget Bytes, haven’t heard of that one yet!