
No. I do not co-sign.

Seriously, if anyone in DNC leadership thinks he would be a good candidate for 2020 needs to have his or her head examined. Dems can not afford to lose in 2020.

Well it’s good that his intense desire to be president occasionally leads him to do something decent.

Why I am marching today (See you soon, NYC!):

Princess Leia was one of the first true female role models I had: tough, funny, smart, just as capable (and often more so) of handling shit as the guys, AND she wound up with the hottest dude in the end. Later on, she became a role model to me for a different reason: openly discussing her struggles with addiction and

I want to wear the “Full Docs or GTFO” shirt to my next medical appointment.

“Oh, you are a P.A.?” *points to shirt*

Forrest Whitaker is cool but the big news for me is the return of Florence Kasumba! I knew that was a star turn for her. One line was all it took for me to be dazzled.

Agreed. If people actually READ the statement the bookstore put out, it’s totally fucking reasonable and something I’d think most people here would agree with. Jez cherry-picked some hot takes without context and put a shitty mocking tang on the whole thing (and most of the comments reflect that attitude). Like, the

You know what’s amazing?

The thought crossed my mind, too. Not that she doesn’t deserve to have the book thrown at her and to spend the rest of her life in jail (my God, that video, she’s a fucking murderer), but it’s an interesting case study. Of course, there are relatively so few women who are cops that it would be hard to do an effective

A close friend of mine adopted two children (blood siblings) who are black and he is terrified for them. Since he and his wife are white they frequently encounter strangers who feel the need to make racist comments about a 5 year old and 1 year old. I just cannot even imagine how afraid these stories make them for

‘“They treated [Crutcher] like a criminal,” asserted Benjamin Crump, one of the family’s lawyers. “They treated him like a suspect. They did not treat him like somebody who needed help. Instead of giving him a hand, they gave him bullets.”’

Yup, and if you’re a black kid with a BB gun, cops are apparently justified in shooting you rather than take the risk of it not being real. Fuck literally everything.

We should be taking a lesson from that. How is it those NY police could manage to shoot that man in the leg and take him to custody alive, in an active shooter situation, while this Tulsa officer aimed for the vitals on a man who was “not complying” but posed no risk to the other officers or the public?

Am I the only one shocked but not really shocked that the one time we actually have a police chief decrying the shooting and saying justice will be served it’s when it was a female officer doing the shooting?

What the fuck? I am honeslty blown away by any person who doesn’t see this as a huge issue. He had his goddamn hands up! I live in an area with next to no diversity, but spent some time in the military where I was able to meet amazing people from all over the U.S. Two of the friends I made have sons who are toddlers,

The only justice is Betty Shelby behind bars for murder and depraved indifference and her accomplices fired from the force and possibly charged and jailed as well.

My wife was a Colts fan (read, Manning fan) and I’m a Chiefs fan. We drove from MO to Indy one year to watch them play against each other in Lucas Oil. She wore a Manning jersey, I wore a Derrick Thomas jersey.

For the record, Stranger Things was filmed in Georgia. Anybody who has seen the show and has been to Indiana can tell you that there are far too many hills and far too few cornfields for it to believably be Indiana.