Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Mack Balls

Would you care to discuss their 4th quarter defense, which nearly spit the bit again last night on MNF, or the continued awfulness of their arena league-quality uniforms (especially compared to the beautiful classic designs they wore for the first 30 years of existence)? I’m down for either.

You’ll have to vault over the rope barrier (hint: be in a wheelchair), sneak coffee into the Louvre (hint: colostomy bag), melt the bulletproof glass, and find a way past the Louvre’s highly trained team of Mona Lisa Ninja-guards, who will not think twice about sacrificing their lives for the glory of France.

[Dons “Crew” production cap]

This is basically what happened to me during eclipse-a-palooza. I was in an area that would get 2:15 of totality, everything was gorgeous, then about an hour to go until totality, here comes a big, doofusy rain cloud to block my view until it’s over.

The best part was when the buildings came down!

At least it rhymes!

“All that’s left to see are grey clouds of dust and debris, which don’t make for great TV.”

This is really cool continuity

Oh, you mean like an elastic hairband? Got ya.

Bad news: the trilogy is about Harvey Korman’s chef character from the Holiday Special.

Counterpoint: The Vader scene at the end of RO was fantastic and I’m super glad it was in there.

Maybe not for the movies, but there have been plenty of Star Wars stories that had nothing to do with the Rebellion or the Empire. The Han Solo Trilogy from the late 1970s followed Han and Chewie’s exploits in a region called the Corporate Sector, which was controlled by giant corporations and had a more-or-less

Old Republic sounds like a clothing store where you buy affordable wind-breakers and polo shirts.

Oh my god please be a Porg trilogy.

Maybe something OTHER than Rebels vs. Empire (or whatever the bad guys are called in the new trilogy)? Lucas created an entire universe, and neither he nor his successors have found any other story for it.

Hopefully we’ll FINALLY get to learn how Jar Jar crashed der bosses heyblibber.

Too soon for a new trilogy, me thinks, but I guess if it’s not related to the Skywalkers maybe it’s alright.

Can we finally get a movie set during the Old Republic.

Note that he refers to O’Neal’s “six pages of snide dismissal” - I’m guessing he had someone print it out so he could read it.

No, I know he’s a conspiracy theorist; it’s just interesting to me that he has definitely embraced the internet style of it, since he comes out of the old-school style of it. If anything he’s still not quite an internet conspiracy theorist, since he actually included citations to something other than a conspiracy