Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Mack Balls

Sub Rosa only exists because one of the writers wanted to get Gates McFadden to deliver that absurd line about falling asleep reading a particularly erotic section of her grandmother’s diary. I firmly beliefe there was a bet involved there.

I dunno... ‘Sub Rosa’ had a higher quotient of Crusher in lingerie than other episodes - so it has that going for it

*lights a candle for Beverly*

Really surprised my endless rewatching of Trials and Tribble-ations hasn’t helped DS9 crack into this list.

I’m seein’ double: Two Damn Jedi Denches!

Dame Judi Dench.. or Damn Judi Dench?

From what I can tell, TFA’s slavish devotion to all things A New Hope bothered everyone at Lucasfilm too. It wasn’t without its good points though.

Besides, the last time we got a hired hand with no actual power in the director’s chair, we got Return of the Jedi.

Are you saying you find their lack of faith disturbing?

I’m by no means ready to declare The Last Jedi a success yet, but we will see. If it is a good movie, then my fears about what happened with Solo and this will be greatly eased.

I doubt it was too much voice. It definitely could have been too little.

The period button on my phone’s keyboard stopped working, and now I have to separate sentences with a Colin.

Here today, gone Trevorrow.

While I agree that No. 17 literally changes everything! I am compelled to point out that with Reason No. 12, the author DESTROYS those who question the veracity of his/her claims with a single word/paragraph/gif/screenshot of a tweet! And let’s not forget about No. 9. I daresay that, in writing No. 9, the author is al

I really think Jim was a flawed character from the get-go, which made him and the show interesting, different and great, but then the writers seemed to want Jim to be a sort of all around good guy without changing the flaws, making him seem kind of dickish. Him dating Karen while still in love with Pam is a very

I’ve only watched The Office once through but I always thought that Jim becomes pretty dickish in the later seasons. The episodes where Idris Elba is the new boss and calls him on his antics come to mind.

You look smaller than I remember.

I was to understand the “very first” story after going live was how to get out of the grays?