You're Killing Independent George

In 2009, I was on a trip through Pittsburgh. I grabbed a cheap seat along the first base bag to see the Pirate play the Cardinals. I paid about 20 bucks and was sitting about 10 rows from first base. So I got to see Pujols play first base up close. Around the sixth inning, the Pirates were hitting. One of the

Clearly since he is a victim of abuse, the responsibility to fix his entire home country falls upon his shoulders.

Wrong! Bledsoe just plays like a backup point guard. He’s unfortunately a starter.

Love this. Krasner is doing good things in our city. Is it enough to undo years of cruel policies and enforcement? no. It’s not. But it’s a start in the right direction.

Wait a goddamn minute. There’s a professional athlete named “Talor Gooch”? Way to bury the lede.

Mostly spy novels, and the occasional non-fiction.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday. That is 4 days.

I agree with you. These men have enough money to never have to work again. Give someone else a shot at the level of achievement that they once had. Go donate your time, do something to give back, etc.

But bank robbers and murders are sentenced differently...i mean you’re kind of making the point you seem to be against.

A hero is a sandwich.

It’s “harmed”, but it will heal and survive. It would be like if I grabbed you off a boat, pulled you under water, pierced your lip, took a picture, then tossed you back into the boat.  You’d be like WTF, but you’d live.  

Wow, she’s lucky they didn’t have to send away for some special really tiny instruments.

We only had six fifteen-yard penalties two years ago? Mr. Davis would have given him a raise for pulling more than his fair share of the weight.

looks to be down 12 points or more in scrabble

Fortnite is a better game in terms of quality. However, I will pick PUBG any day despite it’s bugs. Like you said, it has that military, grounded feel to everything. There are tons of mini battles happening all the time, lots of decision making to go along with the combat. Weapons themselves have a learning curve

Some of us just use it to find events and shows nearby, rarely post anything and don’t have any information on Facebook worth anything to large corporations.

horses was on the last season of ray donavon. used really well.

As someone who works in the criminal justice/court SPECIFICALLY with sex offenders, this is not out of the normal or nothing to be disgusted/horrified by.

Look at that Gator just fucking strutting along like, “Check this out, assholes. This is my fish. You got a fish like this? Didn’t fucking think so.”