You're Killing Independent George

If your scale works, you will. You’re implying that if I add the mass of the water to the mass of my body, somehow the total will be less than the sum of its parts. That is extremely wrong, and as I said before, I’ve actually done exactly this before.

I man, if you have house insurance, and then let it lapse because you can’t pay the bill for a little while, and your house burns down, but then you pay your bill and re-activate your policy, you’re not gonna have an easy time convincing the insurance company to pay for your burned-down house despite the fact that you

If it is fight or flight the penguins have only one option...

I thought the time I sent 400 pallets of product to a customer instead of 400 boxes (2 pallets) was bad. This guy’s oopsie is worse. For his sake I hope he just gets the same treatment I did, hearing about it repeatedly from coworkers for years, especially at after work social events when such stories are told and

Capps debuted with the Mariners in 2012. His wacky delivery debuted in 2015.

You typed out a lot of words but you could have saved a lot of time by just saying “I’m a jerk” and leave it at that.

Yup, I opened this up to see if the new name was published, assuming she was changing her name to start over as herself somewhere fresh, and to decide how I felt about it. 

Correct. But the therapeutic testosterone range for a boy is over 8-10x that of a girl. When body builders and baseball players used steroids, they were at most 3x the average range. Even though it is a therapeutic amount of testosterone, it’s still an incredible advantage.

That is EXACTLY what I thought it would be! I expected “Rebecca Smythe Pennington” or something along those lines; you know, something designed for White Invisibility. Now she has a name where literally everyone who she meets will instantly say “wait, what?” and google the fuck out of her just out of curiousity- where

Fake news has infiltrated jalopnik. Can we get rid of this bias contributor?

It’s the Donald Trump effect. “Oh, you think I’m wrong? Watch me go all-the-way-wrong and let’s see how you react!”

Guys, i’m starting to think that electing a reality TV star with 5 military deferments to command one of the world’s largest armed forces may not have been the best idea.

I haven’t seen a team screw up a situation involving a player named Cousins since about 2 weeks ago.

I stand corrected. So then spacing out low dosage a few times a week should be fine then. It is interesting that melatonin is a supplement in the US but a prescription drug in other countries due to it being a hormone. Same with DHEA.

The family of the vet does get to make a choice. Owens’ wife made one choice (yes, you can use me as a prop); his father made another (GTFO you moron whose idiotic decision got my son killed).

As long as you can get American soldiers killed, you will always have defenders, because there will always be people who think saying that American soldiers were sent somewhere to die for no good reason is more offensive than sending American soldiers somewhere to die for no good reason.

And couldn’t a rational individual then conclude that it takes more than a poor memory to continue to ‘forget’ to take your meds even with said reminder?

What do you mean by “much of” and what do you mean by “slow”?

Also, maybe I’m reading the article incorrectly, but didn’t she actually do the stuff she is saying she would never do?